x360Recover 12.2.0 - June 20 2023

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

x360Recover Release Information



    Release Date(s):

     Targeted release starting June 20 2023

Release overview 

x360Recover 12.2.0 is a feature release.

Our classic License Portal will be deprecated later in 2023, and this release delivers backend support for that effort. Principally, release 12.2.0 overhauls the provisioning wizard to deliver future device provisioning via native Recover Manager mode.

Summary of new features

  • Backend functionality has been completed to deliver license management via Recover Manager. This allows for disconnection from the classic License Portal
  • The provisioning wizard has been updated to operate in Recover Manager mode. The provisioning wizard is no longer dependent on the classic License Portal
  • Static format virtual disk exports are read/write
  • Linux Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) agent deployment is now supported
  • XFS Filesystem for Linux agents is now supported
  • The lifetime of the D2C installation token is extended to 180 days
  • Pendo integration has been enhanced
  • Snapshot in-use notification on appliances when used by Recovery Center is supported
  • Retention settings on Axcient vaults have new limits and updated default values
  • Telemetry now collects comprehensive hardware configuration details, including which integration features are being used
  • Minor UI corrections are complete

Summary of bug fixes

  • Resolved an issue with incremental backup jobs which were not paused when the end of the backup schedule was reached
  • Fixed issues with access permissions when performing file and folder recovery for Linux systems.  All files are now visible via the file browser or FTP.
  • Issues are resolved where AutoVerify was being interrupted by a Virtual Machine reboot
  • Fixed issue with Celery settings to avoid cases where workers may become stuck or hung
  • The display of human readable messages returned from Cloud AutoVerify for Direct-to-Cloud endpoints is fixed
  • Broken systems unable to boot OS from USB drives have been fixed
  • Fixed an issue where an excluded volume (with no/bad data) might be displayed during a recovery if a .meta file exists for it
  • Hardened the import of incremental snapshots when using seeding for a base image
  • Issues are resolved with the empty columns ‘Status”, ‘Volumes”, and ‘Schedule’ when exporting protected systems tables to CSV, Excel, PDF, etc.
  •  Telemetry sending being hung while syncing with ZFS filesystems is fixed
  • Fixed issues with support-TUI consuming excessive memory when listing table data
  • Fixed ‘undefined’ error message when performing agent uninstall for Linux agents
  • Fixed failure to mount USB drives if the label contains special characters
  • Fixed the interruption of DTS connections when enabling the firewall
  • Network settings on Axcient-hosted vaults are hidden
  • Fixed issues with some devices losing network configuration after reboot
  • Fixed issue with agent orchestration not allowing lower case letters for backup volumes

Auto Update Best Practices

We recommend that you activate Enable Auto Update on the Settings -> Update Manager page on each of your x360Recover devices.

We also recommend that you enable Auto-Enable Remote Assist When Upgrading so that remote access will be available to our development team should something go wrong with your upgrade.

These choices will ensure that your x360Recover devices are updated with the latest software enhancements in a timely fashion, and that the x360Recover Support team will have a short window of time to access and repair any troublesome devices without requiring user intervention.



 SUPPORT | 720-204-4500 | 800-352-0248