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8 Articles Written Last Month
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PassPhrase White Paper
Introduction Protecting your privacy and securing your data is our number one priority. Your pass phrase is encrypted twice before it is stored on the server to prevent anyone but you from recovering the stored pass phrase. The system is designed so that recovering a pass phrase requires action from two people: the person that created the key and ...
1 min reading timeApr 17 2024 - Manager (RMC) 5.11
Version: x360Recover Manager (RMC) v 5.11 Release date: April 17, 2024 X360Recover Manager (RMC) 5.11 includes UX improvements and bug fixes Summary of enhancements Missed and paused backups will now appear in the Backup History report. Added email and PSA alerting options for appliances and private vaults that were previously only available via t...
0 min reading timeObject backup status report - x360Cloud
Object backup status report If the backup of a single object (email, calendar event, contact or file) fails constantly during a 24 hour period, the backup status of the respective user account shows as Partial (even when other objects were successfully backed up). This type of container backup failure then results in an organization backup statu...
3 min reading timeBest practices - x360Recover
Hardware, software, and other requirements CPU and RAM Disks and storage pools Hardware for appliances and vaults Networking iSCSI External IP addresses (private cloud) Firewall ports Appliance & vault installation requirements Appliance and vault installations Best practices for deploying agents on Windows CPU and RAM x360Recover recommends a ...
6 min reading timeOct 2023 - Android 4.21.3 - x360Sync Release Notes
Component x360Sync Android App Version 4.21.3 Release Date Oct 30, 2023 Enhancements Added support for Android 14 Fixes Fixed an issue when users couldn't upload multiple files at once Fixed an issue when Auto Backup wouldn't upload files SUPPORT | 720-204-4500 | 800-352-0248 Contact Axcient Support at https://partner.axcient.com/login or call 800-3...
0 min reading timeManage jobs and backups
Looking for information on creating backup schedules? See: Backup policies (schedules) Manage jobs Job types The Jobs page contains information about current and historical job history. On the menu pane, you will see sub-menus for Backup, Replication, Seeding, Conversion , System , and Agent type jobs. To view job history: 1. Click Jobs on t...
12 min reading timeQuest - Unable to add agent to replication
Description If the Agent was removed, you may receive this error when adding the Agent back to replication: “This agent has already been replicated to the remote slave core” Cause The agent was added at some point to replication but when the agent was removed, the agent registry settings remained. This issue can also be caused by a replication li...
0 min reading timeSept 18 2020 - v 2.28.0 - Release Notes x360Cloud
Version 2.28.0 When September 18, 2020 Goals Improve visibility of MFA use across an organization's users Display backup status and troubleshooting details on the Reports page Fix issues reported by users New features MFA setting is now visible on an organization's user list In order for you to track adoption of multi-fac...
2 min reading time(macOS) Deploy a Privacy Preference Policy Control (PPPC) file
What is a Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) file? A Privacy Preferences Policy Control (PPPC) file is an xml formatted metadata file used by the mobile device manager service on macOS to allow administrators to pre-assign security permissions and other settings for an application. Certain security settings (notably Full Disk Access permissio...
2 min reading timeRemove the Thin Client when it states "Changes are still being made" - x360Sync
Overview You may need to remove the Thin Client when it is displaying a Changes are still being made or Changes are still being uploaded notification message. Important: Removing Thin Client while changes are not fully synced will cause DATA LOSS. Please ensure all changes are uploaded before continuing. If you can not upload the changes, copy all ...
1 min reading time