x360Recover Manager (RMC)

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at January 11th, 2024

What is x360Recover Manager (RMC)?

x360Recover Manager is a web-based platform, accessed through your internet browser and configured  with single-sign-on (SSO) access through the x360Portal dashboard.  Our vision for this unified, single-pane-of-glass platform is to simplify and consolidate all of your Axcient BDR deployment, configuration, and management. 

Frequently asked questions about x360Recover Manager (formerly RMC)

How can I access x360Recover Manager?

You have single-sign-on (SSO) access to x360Recover Manager through the x360 Portal Dashboard.

Can I perform client management and license provisioning from x360Recover Manager?

Yes! As of October 24, 2023, we've consolidated several services and tasks within x360Recover Manager. You can now manage licenses, clients and passwords from one place. Learn more about the new x360Recover Manager tools here

Can I create multiple admin user accounts in the x360Recover Manager?

When you create users in the Axcient x360 portal, they will each be granted automatic access to x369Recover Manager. You can then adjust user privileges within x360Recover Manager.

Can I continue using the Global Management Portal (GMP)?

Yes; the GMP will continue to exist until all Direct-to-Cloud management functionality is fully available within x360Recover Manager.

Where did the RMC go?

The Remote Access Console (RMC) was the centralized management dashboard previously used for BRC and Fusion products. The RMC has been integrated into x360Recover Manager, and Manager's dashboard now provides the tools previously available in the RMC.

Where did the legacy x360Recover Licensing Portal (formerly Replibit) go?

The legacy license portal had been an integral part of the Axcient x360Recover system. Based on feedback from you (and innovation from our developers), the retirement of this portal became necessary and the capabilities of the retired portal have been integrated into x360Recover Manager. After October 24, 2023, whenever you browse to the old site at https://licensing.replibit.com/, you'll be redirected to https://partner.axcient.com 

What does x360Recover Manager provide?

With Manager, you can:

  • Easily monitor backups through a streamlined, intuitive UI/UX.
  • Customize backup health monitoring
  • Create multiple admin accounts so that different administrators have privileges according to their specific organizational roles.
  • Receive daily health digest emails summarizing the 24 hours of backup health

How to navigate in x360Recover Manager

The x360Recover Manager (previously known as RMC) is a web-based platform accessible through your x360Portal account with single-sign-on (SSO). 

The x360Recover Manager brings all x360Recover services together for one place to monitor health, configure settings, generate reports, and more. 

How to navigate:

1. Dashboard settings for x360Recover Manager

  1. Click the Settings button to configure organization-wide alerts and thresholds, notifications, and a PSA integration.
  2. Click the Clients link to view the Clients page, which lists all provisioned clients.
  3. Click the Services link to view the Services page, which lists all provisioned appliances.
  4. Click the Devices link to view the Devices page, which lists all provisioned devices, including workstations and servers. 
  5. Click the Vaults link to view the Vaults page, including private vaults and the Axcient Cloud. 
  6. Click the Users link to view, add, edit and manage users.
  7. Click the Licenses link add, allocate and manage licenses
  8. Click the Reports link to generate detailed summaries

Health Status Descriptions 

  • Activities of Interest—this panel lists important activities across all clients, services, and vaults. Each individual alert includes direct links to the corresponding activity, such as a virtualization or update. 
  • Requires Attention—this panel displays a list of clients that are in a Troubled state, usually because they have at least one device outside of the configured protection threshold. Devices that have failed the cloud replication will be included as well.
  • Warning—this panel lists clients with devices that have lost connectivity for an extended period of time as configured in the protection policy. This panel will also display alerts when a local or cloud replication job completes with warnings. 
  • Protected as Expected—this panel lists clients that are healthy and do not need attention at this time. Click Browse to view each client or vault. 



2. Client settings for x360Recover Manager

2. Clients 

The Clients page provides a summary of clients registered under your account. The list view offers at-a-glance information such as health status, protected servers and workstations, and number of services.

On the left-hand side of the page is a search and filter tool, which you can use to sort through the clients list. You can click the Filters button above the table to hide this tool. The clients list can be sorted by any column, such as by Health status. Click the icons on the top right to switch between List and Grid views.

Click into a client Name to view its Client Details page. Alternatively, click anywhere else on the row to expand and view more information. Click the View Client button to view the Client Details page.