2. Choose your BDR appliance - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

You will need one appliance for each customer location you want to support. 

Please note that you can only provision an appliance to a location that is not already in use by another appliance. 

When selecting the appliance hardware, you have the following options: 

Option 1: Configure your own appliance hardware (BYOD)

Because x360Recover is hardware agnostic, you can choose to use your own hardware, so long as it meets the minimum hardware requirements. This option is convenient when you already have access to hardware that you want to reuse.

What to consider

The BYOD option requires that you download and install the software onto your hardware. You also need to pay special attention to hardware requirements. For example, we highly recommend that you install the software on bare metal so you can take advantage of automated backup verification booting. Additionally, the hardware you choose must be compatible with Ubuntu Linux 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver).

Before installation, please reference this article for up-to-date hardware requirements.

Option: Order a non-configured BDR appliance

[See full details at Choose an Axcient appliance]

With this option, you buy or lease an Axcient branded BDR appliance, pre-installed with the  operating system, but not yet configured for a particular environment. This option saves you the time and money of installing the software on your own hardware and simplifies the ordering process. When you select this option, you will be responsible for setting up customer-specific settings, such as network options and authentication credentials during the provisioning process.

What to Consider

This option is the least expensive way to order a BDR appliance. Each Axcient BDR appliance comes pre-installed with the needed software and ships with a user-friendly Quick Start guide.


For testing purposes, you can also deploy an appliance as a Virtual Machine. Please note, however, that we do not recommend or support the deployment of appliance or vaults as Virtual Machines within a production environment.

 How to order an Axcient BDR appliance

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