Generate a Client Executive Summary report - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 5th, 2023

What is a Client Executive Summary report?  

The Client Executive Summary report is a powerful tool designed to streamline discussions with your clients during regular business reviews.

With this report, you can effortlessly communicate the effectiveness of your data protection services and provide your clients with the insights they need to make informed decisions.

The report showcases the value delivered to your clients by offering two distinct levels of detail:

  • Summary Only:  Provides executive-level statistics, such as the number of protected systems, the estimated Recovery Time Objective (RTO), and the total amount of data which has been backed up.

  • Protected System Listing: Offers a technician-level listing of each client's protected systems, including the backup health history for a selected period of time, AutoVerify results and the latest BootVM screenshot.

How to generate the Client Executive Summary report

STEP 1. Log in to your x360Portal and open your x360Recover dashboard.

From the Reports page, select the Executive Summary tab. 

STEP 2.  Select a Client, Report Date Range, and Level of Detail

Then click Preview Report.

Note: The report will take longer to generate for clients with large numbers of protected systems, or if a date range greater than one month is selected. 

STEP 3.  (Optional) You can choose to add custom comments or instructions for your clients and select their estimated internet speed for RTO estimation.

STEP 4. Download PDF and review the results with your client.


Definitions of datapoints:

Summary Only Datapoint


Average Backup Health Score

Sum of seconds each protected system spent in “NORMAL” state divided by the total amount of seconds in the reporting period for each protected system  

Total data backed up

Total size of all protected systems backed up as of the end of the reporting period  

Appliance/Local Cache storage

Total amount of data stored in the client’s appliances/Local Cache  

Successful backups

Number of successful backup attempts in the report period & total number of backup attempts  

Average backups per day

Total successful backups divided by the number of days in the reporting period  

Total restore points

Total number of restore points available since client creation  

Average data per Server/Workstation

Average size of all backed-up servers/workstations  

Estimated time to recover

Estimated time to recover an average protected system’s data via FTPS. 

See the RTO Calculator at   

Estimated time to virtualize

Estimated time to virtualize an average protected system.

See the RTO Calculator at   

Protected system counts

Total number of protected systems at the end of the report period. “Cloud Backup” represents Direct-to-Cloud systems, while “On-Site” represents appliance-based systems  

Storage growth

Total amount of data stored, divided between Appliance and Cloud (Axcient Cloud & Private Vaults), displayed over the report’s timeframe  

Protected systems health history

Average Backup Health score per day/week of the report period, split between servers & workstations  

Protected system report


Protected System Datapoint


Health History

The protected system’s average Backup Health Score per day (or per week, if report timeframe is longer than 1 month)  

Backup size

The total size of the protected system at the end of the reporting period  

AutoVerify result

Date & result of the last AutoVerify check performed for the protected system  

BootVM Screenshot

Latest BootVM screenshot generated for the protected system  












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