x360Sync Version 2.7.1 Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Version 2.7.1 Release Timeline 

Application Server and Web Server

   GA SaaS - July 2019

   Worldwide Private Cloud - September 5 2019

Synced Tool for Desktop

   GA SaaS - Staggered release from July 2019 to November 2019

   Worldwide Private Cloud - December 2019

We are pleased to announce x360Sync v2.7.1, our latest release which includes important features, improvements and fixes related to performance and user experience.

Note: With the release of v.2.7.0, x360Sync no longer supports outdated operating systems, like Windows Vista, Mavericks v.10.9, and Yosemite v.10.10.

Application Server


  • The default Apache installer version is updated. 
  • To maximize data availability, our SaaS environments contain multiple file storage servers. If one server needs to be upgraded or is experiencing issues, the other servers are not affected. The Application Service is flexible enough to work with multiple servers, but, previously, if a single server was unavailable - the Application Service was not able to cope with that. The whole system experienced downtime, and users were not able to log in.

    In 2.7.1 we revised the way the Application Service communicates with file storage servers. If any individual server becomes unavailable, the Service continues running. An error message is displayed if a user attempts to access files located on the affected server, but the rest of the system works. Users will be able to log in and access the rest of their files.

    Recently, we experienced a significant number of incidents related to server downtime, and we are taking this very seriously. We understand your pain and the frustration caused by those incidents, and appreciate your patience. This update is one of many major improvements we plan to make this year to address this issue.

Synced Tool for Desktop

Note: The 2.7.1 Synced Tool for Desktop is deployed in a staggered fashion. Only SaaS partners who have opted into our Early Access program will see their desktop client automatically updated to version 2.7.1. Multiple beta groups will receive 2.7.1 Synced Tool for Desktop in sequential order over time, after the release starting July 2019. If you’d like to be included in the early access program, please contact your Partner Success Manager and/or the Axcient Technical Support Team. 


Sync Status Report


A new sync status report is available for easier identification of the current files and folders on a given device or computer.


"Partially" selected folders:   

In previous releases, Selective Sync settings allowed a user to deselect entire folders that should not be synced, in order to conserve disk space. 

In this release, users have even more control over which items get synced, by using "partially" selected folders.  Previously, all new subfolders added to a folder would automatically sync. Now users select which new sub-folders will be automatically synced,  further conserving space on user machines. 

When a folder has been marked as "partially selected",  any new subfolders added to it must be designated with a check in order to be synced. 

  • A red check mark indicates that all subfolders within that checked folder will be synced.
  • A folder is designated as "partially selected" with a red square:


In the example above:

  • The folder SyncedTool 2.7.1 is designated as partially selected. This means only designated folders contained within it will be synced.
  • The folders Research and Work in Progress have been marked as fully selected, with a red check mark, so all folders within those folders will be synced.
  • The folder Presentations is designated as partially selected.
  • The sub folder Presentation 1 is designated as partially selected. Only the selected folders will be synced, even if a new folder is created by another user. 

More Improvements

  • The Synced Tool for macOS installer is upgraded to 64-bit, as part of future-proofing compatibility with upcoming releases of the macOS.
  • Improved fault tolerance and resilience means sync will resume faster in cases of network interruption, enhancing performance with unstable network connections.
  • If file server enablement root folders are recognized as deleted or missing, the  ‘Unlink' warning resolution option is no longer present. This will help to avoid accidental unlinking by a regular user, while still allowing an admin to unlink from the Web UI.
  • A warning message notifies a user when a file cannot be synced. (For example, because it is being used by another program, or is read-only). The message will prompt the user to resolve the issue.
  • An error message alerts a user when the Synced Tool is not able to establish a secure connection.
  • When permissions have changed, syncing is now faster because of improved performance when applying Windows ACL updates.
  • We've resolved an issue with deleting folders using SyncedTool for Windows. Deletion did not occur in cases when the Windows “Read Only” attribute was set to True.  The “Read Only” attribute is now removed when a folder deletion is needed.


  • GUI freezing in some cases is fixed.
  • MacOS GUI and icon overlay related issues are resolved.
  • Various file revision errors are resolved with the MacOS.
  • Issues related to handling Windows ACL are fixed.
  • Folder selection/deselection (sometimes misinterpreted as deletion) has been corrected.
  • A collision error when files update during renaming or deleting is resolved.
  • Handling of double extension exclusions is corrected.

Web Portal

Standard User Features

Files and folders can now be moved between a personal root or a Team Share root. (This movement was not previously possible.)

"Open in..." drop-down menu 

Users have new choices under the "Open in..." drop-down menu: they can choose to open in the Web Editor, in a Web Preview or using the Native Browser:


Note: To open a file in a "Native Browser", a user must have permissions to download files. This is required because the Synced Tool application must pass the file to the native browser for it to be opened with this option. The native browser downloads the file to a temporary folder to view it.

Additionally, browsers have a wide variety of capabilities when handling images, audio and video. This variation may affect the user's experience with a native browser. (Learn more about the file formats supported by browsers on this Wikipedia page.)

Standard User Improvements

  • A notification is sent via email to the share link creator when a share link to files or folders expires. (Previously the notification was implemented only for files.)
  • Web interface performance is improved for users with many team share subscriptions.
  • The drag and drop upload procedure is improved, increasing the upload success rate.
  • If access is denied due to insufficient permissions, users receive a message reflecting the specific action attempted (rather than a generic access-denied message).
  • Local languages are now supported in the Permissions interface.

Standard User Fixes

  • A confirmation message is displayed when a share link is activated.
  • 403 error no longer occurs when a user who is subscribed to a Team Share as a "Viewer" opens a file from the "Search Results" page"

Administrator Improvements

  • Administrators can manage an account's group memberships from the Account Settings page, including adding and removing accounts to multiple groups.
  • A new filter on the Admin web portal (under Machinesshows all machines with file server enablement mapping:


  • To avoid accidental mapping disablement, a confirmation prompt appears when a request to disable file server mapping is submitted.
  • Administrators can see the permissions of a given user within a given Team Share.
  • Details related to external subscriber machines are hidden. This is necessary because administrators use the machine name as an identifier when unsubscribing a specific machine belonging to another organization from a Team Share. Exposing detailed information about machines outside of the administrator's organization is a security concern so details are now hidden. 
  • When a Team Share's subscriptions are changed, the dialog box shows only the changed subscriptions.
  • For Private Cloud only, Team Share names are validated to avoid trailing periods.
  • When working with CSV importing, the confirmation dialog includes the permission role settings of new subscribers, to provide better visibility of the permission roles assigned to imported accounts. Additionally, the output format has been refined.
  • Changes made to Team Share subscription roles are added to the activity logs. It is now possible to see who was previously subscribed to a Team Share as well as their assigned permission role. Additionally, it is possible to view who changed a permission role and when the change occurred.
  • When mapped folders are disabled from the Web UI, a new activity log entry is created to provide information about the disablement. This is helpful in the case of multiple admins, so that one admin can follow up (as needed) with another admin as to why particular instances of FSE mapping were disabled.
  • Local languages are now supported in the Permissions interface. 

Administrator Fixes

  • Issue with space quota calculations on Dashboard statistics is fixed
  • Activity log filter now shows all user activity from the Web UI, Synced Tool for Desktop and Web DAV (not just from the Web UI)
  • Unexpected changes when setting organization policies have been eliminated

If you would like to learn more, we invite you to sign up for one-on-one training.

Please contact your Partner Success Manager or Support if you have any questions.

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