Aug 2020 - Synced Tool for Android 4 4.9 Release Notes - x360Sync

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


     Synced Tool for Android




     August 2020


  • Collect troubleshooting information from a user device
  • Reduce the time to resolution for a support request related to Synced Tool for Android

New feature

The wide selection of mobile devices running on Android presents one of the main challenges when investigating any issue. Some devices experience an issue, while other devices do not.

We've implemented a new feature to help us investigate issues faster and pin down a problem, even if it has only appeared once on a user's device.

Report an issue via the Help section

If a user is experiencing an issue, they can now package up diagnostic data and send it via their default email client.

Please find the new option Report an issue in the Help section.

Android-4.9-help-section.png   Android-4.9-report-an-issue.png
  • When a user clicks Report an issue, they can choose how to share their diagnostic data. 
  • The options include all apps installed on the user's device that can send emails. 
  • After the user selects an option to send an email, an archive that contains the diagnostic data will be created and attached to a new email message.
  •  In the body of the new email message, the user can describe the issue and send the email to their administrator. 


If you would like to learn more, we invite you to sign up for one-on-one training. 

Please contact your Partner Success Manager or Support if you have any questions. 

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