Sep 10 2021 - Recovery Center 1.2.0 - Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Component Recovery Center for x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)
Version 1.2.0
Release Date September 10 2021

Release overview

Recovery Center 1.2.0 is a feature release.

The primary purpose of this release is to provide feature enhancements and deliver a complete suite of recovery options for Direct-to-Cloud with local cache.  

Enhanced features in this release include virtual disk exports with support for manual virtualization as well as support for bare metal restore using local cache.

Summary of feature enhancements
Summary of bug fixes
  • Added scroll bars to the New Job wizard in the presence of small display size
  • Added config option to disable hardware OpenGL drivers in a case where this causes the application to crash
  • Fixed download link to Axcient Direct Restore utility
  • Fixes to job action button handling
  • Fixed application crash in case where selected protected system has no snapshots
  • Fixed case where file recovery job cannot be deleted if the protected system was deleted on the vault
  • Fixed issues with Analysis Tool not uploading results to the Support ticket
  • Fixed issues with Analysis Tool not capturing Recovery Center specific data in ticket upload

Virtual disk export

Release 1.2.0 enables the Virtual Disk Export job type in the UI. 

This release is considered a ‘Preview’ edition for this feature. While fully functional (you can perform virtualization directly from the generated disk images), we intend to make several performance enhancements to this feature before labelling it ‘Released’

More information about virtual disk exports

Bare metal restore

The Axcient Bare Metal Restore utility has been enhanced and released to production with full support for performing bare metal restore operations using local cache. This can greatly accelerate the recovery of Direct-to-Cloud protected systems that have a local cache enabled.  In release 1.2.0, selecting the bare metal restore recovery type will open the default browser to download the Axcient Bare Metal Restore ISO image.

Complete details on using bare metal restore with local cache

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