Conduct a rsync Test - x360Sync

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


You can optionally test the x360Sync rsync algorithm using contents found in the attached zip file.


In the attached zip file, there are two folders: 1 and 2. Each of these folders contains a set of files with the exact same name. However, these files have different contents that will trigger our rsync algorithm to work in different ways.

In order to test our rsync algorithm, you will need two desktop clients registered to the same user:

  1. Copy the files from folder 1 into the sync folder and let them fully sync to the second desktop client.
  2. Copy the files from folder 2 into the sync folder and overwrite all of the existing files; let them fully sync to the second desktop client.
  3. Do a binary comparison on the two folders and make sure that the files match from desktop client 1 to desktop client 2.