Schedule reports in the Management Portal - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

With the release of x360Recover 8.2.0,  you can customize report delivery from within the Management Portal (GMP).

You can select from a variety of partner- and customer-facing report types and have those reports delivered via email on the daily, weekly, or monthly schedule you choose.

Configure the Email Delivery Settings 

To configure the required email server settings, login to the Management Portal and navigate to the Settings tab on the top of the page, then select Reporting Settings.

Enter the FQDN of your GMP in the GMP URL field. (This can be an IP address)

Enter the mail server settings for the email account that you wish to use to deliver your reports. 


Use a valid email account on another mail server. The GMP does not send emails directly.

Click Save after you have entered all of the required fields.

Configure scheduled reports

Once your mail server settings are saved, you can begin configuring reports for scheduled delivery.

Click the Add button from the report list to add a new scheduled report:

1. Select the type* of report you wish to schedule.

2. Once you have selected the report type, choose a delivery Frequency: Daily, Weekly, or Monthly

  • Daily reports will be delivered within the specified hour each day to the configured email recipients.
  • Weekly reports will be delivered within the specified hour on the given day of the week to the configured email recipients.
  • Monthly reports will be delivered within the specified hour on the given day of the month to the configured email recipients. Note that if the given month does not HAVE the day specified (e.g.31st of Feb, etc.) the report will not be delivered on that month

3. If the report type you select is targeted to particular Customers, select them now.

4. You can specify one of more email Recipients.  Enter a display Name and Email address. 

5. To add additional destinations, click Add.

6. Once you have completed the required fields, click Submit to save the report schedule.

A note on timing

The Report Engine processes schedules every 10 minutes. If a delivery window was missed (for example, if the MP was offline) then any pending reports will be delivered in the next available 10 minute window.


This means that newly created schedules may send immediately if the configured frequency settings are in the past. For example, if it is currently 4:00 PM and you create a new report to be delivered Daily at 7:00AM, this report will be sent during the next 10 minute scheduling window.

Edit or delete a report schedule

From the Actions menu, you can edit the details of a schedule or delete it:

Current report types:

Healthcheck Health status of all managed devices.  (Also displayed on the Health Report tab of the MP.)
Troublecheck Health status of all managed devices reporting an issue. (Also displayed on the Trouble Report tab of the MP.)
Storage Graphical histogram of storage usage on each managed device over time, including a detailed breakdown of each protected system.  (Also displayed on the Storage tab of the MP.)
Billing Metrics Detailed breakdown of billable metrics by customer. (Number of appliances, server licenses, workstation licenses, GB of data in the cloud, etc.)
CustomerStatusD  Customer-centric daily status report similar to the HealthCheck report but containing only items relevant to a specific customer's job statistics over the last 24 hours.
CustomerStatusW Customer-centric status similar to HealthCheck report but containing only items relevant to a specific customer's  job statistics calculated for the last 7 days.

Unlike the CustomerStatsD/W reports, this report provides a
detailed, customer-centric hour-by-hour breakdown of job status.

  • Good = at least one backup succeeded in the given hour
  • Missed = at least one backup was missed in the given hour, and no jobs were successful or failed
  • Failed = at least one backup failed in the given hour, and no
    backups were successful. If both a Failed and a Missed occurred with the given hour, the  report will show Failed as the status.
  • No Data = no job records are present for the  given hour.


Backup statistics collection on the MP is not resilient. This means jobs data can be missed if the appliance is inaccessible during any of its hourly stats collections windows.

Future report types under development:

CustomerBillingReport <Future Use> – This is a customer-centric detailed billing report intended as a customer-specific invoice.  This report requires additional policy controls not yet supported, to specify billing rates and report settings.

HealthCheckDt <Future Use> – This report provides a Partner-centric view of the health status of all managed devices incorporating the concept of ‘Private’ vs ‘Partner’ Vaults.  This report requires additional policy controls not yet implemented in order to designate which Vaults are considered ‘Private’ or customer-owned.

BillingReport <Future Use> - This report provides a Partner-centric detailed invoice broken down by Customer, listing prices calculated for each metric and total cost per Customer.  This report requires additional policy controls not yet supported, to specify billing rates and report settings.

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