Filter unwanted alerting events sent to PSA

Frequently Asked Questions: x360Recover BDR

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Appliance and vault devices use an Exchange server email account to deliver alert messages to a third party ticketing system (Like Autotask or ConnectWise.)

Certain alerts (Like Agent Disconnect/Connect messages) are creating unwanted tickets in your PSA.


Use Exchange Transport Rules to filter unwanted messages before they are delivered to your ticketing service.

How To:

  • Log in to your Exchange 2007 or newer server and run Exchange Management Console. (Exchange 2013 open a web browser and connect to the Exchange EMC)
  • Expand Organization Configuration and select Hub Transport
  • Select the Transport Rules tab
  • Create a new rule
  • Give the rule a name and enter a description in the comments field, then click Next
  • Select From People and choose your x360Recover email account
  • Select When the Subject Field Contains Specific Words and enter the desired phrases
    (For example, for agent connect/disconnect events enter 2 lines 'Connection:' and 'connection restored')
  • Click Next to move on to the Actions list
  • Choose Delete the Message Without Notifying Anyone and click Next
  • Click Next again and then Finished to complete the rule

Create as many filters as you like to eliminate any other undesired notifications from creating tickets.


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