Recovery Playbook - x360Recover

x360Recover: Compare recovery options

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 16th, 2024


Trying to select the best recovery methods and options for a particular situation? 
We've compiled this index to help you compare choices within one convenient worksheet. 
To review before you get started:

Need a map?

Review these two maps to decide what you are recovering: (You'll review methods below)


"I'm recovering files and folders."

Only a few files? Or many folders with complex permissions? Your choices include restoring to an appliance, a private cloud vault or an Axcient vault.

"I'm recovering an entire protected system"

When deciding where and how to recover an entire system: you can export as a virtual disk, recover to bare metal or virtualize for instant recovery.

Now, review recovery methods: 

Recovery method/option When  to use? How to access Documentation
Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) Local Cache  When you need fast recovery without an appliance, a local cache acts as  a “big bucket of block data”, avoiding downloads from the internet From Recovery Center attached to the local cache  Local cache for Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)
BDR  When you need instant virtualization of a protected system from image-based backups located on a local BDR appliance Virtualize the protected system on the local backup appliance Appliance-specific recoveries
File and folder recovery
When to use
How to access
Click to view a map of options to recover files and folders: Choose a method based on  services in use, number of files/folders to recover and whether to preserve permissions   Types of file and folder recovery
Mount a snapshot and browse the file system Best for quick restore of a few files/folders From an appliance Mount a snapshot
Browse and transfer files with an  FTP client When restoring large groups of files/folders From an appliance  
From a private vault 
Launch an iSCSI initiator application Best for restoring large files/folders or searching for missing files From an appliance  
From a private vault   
Start iSCSI
Manual partition When performing a manual, partition-by-partition recovery for BDR (not Direct-to-Cloud) x360Recovery Toolkit  (using iSCSI) Manual partition - Only for BDR: NOT for D2C
Bare metal recovery
When to use
How to access
 Click to view a map of options when recovering an entire system: When you are recovering an entire protected system image to a new device, either physical or virtual From  local cache or a Virtual Disk Image export Bare Metal Restore Guide
BMR from an appliance To recover a protected system from a local appliance From an appliance How-to: From an appliance
BMR  from a vault with local cache When a Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) endpoint has a local cache, and you wish to recover directly from that local cache From  a private vault, located locally on the LAN (because you'll need direct iSCSI connections) How-to: From a vault with local cache
BMR from a vault without local cache When recovering from a vault without Direct-to-Cloud local cache enabled From your vault without local cache if  (a) an appliance-based end point or (b) a D2C endpoint How-to: From a vault without local cache
BMR from a virtual disk image  When no local cache is configured for a D2C system, or when you may have already exported your protected system to a virtual disk image From a virtual disk image How-to: From a virtual disk image 
When to use
How to access
Virtual Office (VO)
Click to view a map of options when recovering an entire system:
Local failover VM used during a disaster to temporarily replace production devices with a VM running in Axcient’s cloud x360Recover Manager Virtual Office - Get started
Smart Recovery feature Useful when source partition tables and volume topology must be exactly replicated From an appliance  
From a private vault
Smart Recovery
Hyper-V VM Export virtual disks and create a Hyper-V VM on the locally installed Hyper-V host Recovery Center How to perform a Hyper-V recovery
VMware recovery Use the NFS Export feature on an appliance or vault as a temporary data-store  Launch as a VM from an  
appliance or VMware
How to perform a VMware recovery
Virtual machine (VM) Launch a VM to temporarily start a server or workstation while rebuilding or replacing hardware From an appliance  
From a private vault   
Recovery Center  
x360Recover Manager
Virtual machines
Export disks  
When to use
How to access
Export snapshot 
Click to view a map of options when recovering an entire system:
Choose from a variety of formats to export a virtual disk image, then download the disk with an internet connection From an appliance  
From a private vault   
From Axcient Cloud vault  
Recovery Center 
Virtual disk export using x360Recover D2C  and Recovery Center
Download exported virtual disks from the cloud When you need to download an exported disk from an Axcient hosted vault From an Axcient Cloud vault and the LFTP local client linked in the KB Segmented download using LFTP for Windows
NFS export Export a virtual disk image, then share the disk on the network From an appliance  
From a private vault   
From  Axcient Cloud Vault
Export a protected system disk with the NFS exports tool
Request a disk shipment/USB Request a disk if a snapshot is too large to export/download Use x360Portal to submit an Axcient Support ticket How to request a copy of your hosted data
Instant Cloud Recovery with Scale-Out Cloud Perform a near-instant export and recovery without needing to convert to VHDX or VMDK first Use x360Portal to submit an Axcient Support ticket Scale-Out Cloud with instant cloud recovery 



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