"How do I...?" - x360Sync Q and A

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

[Complete details are available in the FAQ section here]

Desktop clients on computers and laptops 

Q: How many desktop clients can an end user register?  

A: An end user can register an unlimited number of desktop clients and mobile apps under a single account.

Q: Where is my Synced Folder located on my local machine?

A: After you download the Windows or Mac installation file, you can install and register the desktop client on your local machine. You can then access all of your synced items from one central folder. The unbranded name of this folder is Synced Folder.

By default, Synced Folder can be found at C:\Users\[User Name]\Synced Folder, but users can select a different location for this folder during the installation process.

Best Practice: We recommend that you do not select an external drive as the location of Synced Folder. Desktop Clients install on an external drive can unregister unexpectedly, and might lead to data loss.

For more information, please reference  Install, register and configure the Desktop Client - x360Sync 

Q: Why don’t I see file and folder overlays on my local machine?

A: Check to see if you have another file sync application installed on your computer. Windows is able to display a limited number of icon overlays (selected by alphabetical rank). If another file sync application uses visual overlays, it might be blocking the x360Sync desktop client overlays.

To resolve this issue, please reference Resolve missing overlays in the desktop client - x360Sync

Q: Why isn’t the branded system tray icon displaying?

A: When a desktop client's branding settings do not display as expected, ensure that you are using an .ico file for your selected icon. Use a trusted site to generate an .ico file.

Or, you might have deployed desktop clients prior to configuring your branding settings. We recommend configuring branding settings before creating user accounts and deploying desktop clients.

For more information, please reference How to update desktop clients with new branding settings - x360Sync

Q: Why am I seeing a red X overlay on my system tray icon?

A: Your Synced Tool service might not be running. Open the Services tool on your local machine, right-click the Synced Tool service, and select Start.

Q: Where can I find log files?

A: Local log files can be found in the desktop client’s installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files (x86)\Synced Tool). Additionally, administrators can remotely access a desktop client’s log files from the Machines tab in the administrative web portal. For more information, please reference Monitor machines and access logs using the Machines tab - x360Sync

Private cloud partners also have access to the web-access.log file, which provides detailed information on captured events. The web-access.log file can be found in the x360Sync server log folder, and contains information related to user access, file and folder activity, and so forth. For more information, please reference Review Web-Access Log Events - x360Sync

Q: I just installed the desktop client; why is it still syncing?

A: After installation, the sync process needs to fully download the necessary files and folders. On average, this might take a few hours, or even a few days, depending on the amount of data being synchronized.

After a file is fully downloaded, only incremental changes (revisions) will need to sync, resulting in a much faster and more efficient sync process.

Q: Does my synced content take up local storage resources?

A: Yes; files that sync down to a local machine take up local storage resources. To conserve local resources, you can utilize the Selective Sync feature, which lets you select and deselect the files you would like to sync locally. For more information, please reference  Use the Selective Sync feature - x360Sync

x360Sync also provides top-level Team Share machine subscription options through the use of subscription rules. For more information, please reference Create and manage Team Shares and Share Links - x360Sync

Finally, you might decide to utilize WebDAV for some—or all—of the content that syncs down locally. For best practices on using WebDAV, please reference the WebDAV limitations and known issues - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Mobile devices

Q: Where can I download mobile apps?

A: Navigate to the Download page in the web portal to view a list of desktop clients and mobile apps that can be installed and registered to your user account.

When you are ready to download a mobile app, you can:

Find and download the Android app "Synced Tool" in Google Play

Find and download the iOS app "Synced Tool" (for your iPhone or iPad) in App Store

Q: Can I edit files on mobile apps?

A: If you use an Android or iOS mobile device, you can edit files seamlessly using a third-party application.

For more information on the Android mobile app, please reference the Use the Android app - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

For more information on the iOS mobile app, please reference the Use the iOS app - x360Sync knowledgebase article.


Q: What is WebDAV?

A: x360Sync supports Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV), which is an extension of the HTTP protocol. WebDAV is another way for end users to view and edit files—both personal and through team shares—located in the cloud.

Benefits of using WebDAV include:

End users do not need to install desktop clients

Shared files are not stored locally

Folders and files are accessible through the end user’s native explorer (for example, a mapped drive in Windows explorer)

Authentication through Active Directory login credentials is supported

WebDAV can be enabled for all users of a given organization, or on a user-by-user basis

For more information, please reference the Using WebDAV with Mapped Drives - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: Does file locking work in WebDAV?

A: Files cannot be locked or unlocked from WebDAV. WebDAV locks function in a way that would result in excessive bandwidth and CPU usage for x360Sync desktop clients that are syncing the same locked file. Due to this technical hurdle, the WebDAV client can only honor locks that x360Sync places on a file, which results in an error upon saving a locked file. For this reason, locking files through WebDAV is not supported at this time.

For more information, please reference the WebDAV limitations and known issues - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: Why can’t I see the right-click context menu when working in WebDAV?

A: When working through WebDAV, end users will not have access to x360Sync’s right-click context menu. Without the right-click context menu, end users will not be able to create a share link, launch the web portal, or view file revisions from their local machines. This is expected behavior, and is not related to the x360Sync service.

For more information, please reference the WebDAV limitations and known issues - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: Why am I constantly being prompted to enter a username and a password when working in WebDAV?

A: While x360Sync can be configured for WebDAV support, you might notice a few limitations when working within Microsoft Office documents. Specifically, end users might be prompted to log in each time they open or save a Microsoft Office document in a mapped drive.

While the x360Sync support team cannot prevent Microsoft Office from prompting for credentials, it is possible to configure Microsoft Office so that end users do not have to enter credentials each time they open or save documents in a mapped drive.

For more information, please reference the Avoid WebDAV login prompts knowledgebase article.

Q: Can I set permissions when creating a share link to a folder?.

A: For information on how to manage share links, please reference the Manage share links - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Team Shares

Q:Can guest accounts be added to Team Shares? 

A: No, guest accounts cannot be added to Team Shares. You can, however, send a share link to a file or folder within a Team Share.

Q:  How can I collaborate with a guest user? 

A: If you would like to collaborate with a guest, or with someone who does not have login credentials, you can create a secure share link to a folder and assign the user Upload and Delete permissions.

For more information, please reference the Share content with guest accounts as an end user knowledgebase article.

 Q: Can I set permissions in a Team Share? 

A: When working in a Team Share, you can lock a file, a folder, or the entire Team Share, thereby setting read-only permissions on that content.

For more information, please reference the Lock files and folders in the Web Portal - x360Sync and/or the Lock files and folders in the desktop client - x360Sync knowledgebase article(s).

For more information about assigning Team Share roles, please reference the Team Share permission roles - x360Sync  knowledgebase article

File and folder locking

Q: What is file and folder locking?

A: x360Sync allows users to place locks on files and folders in Team Shares, giving subscribers the ability to set read-only permissions on shared content. This feature prevents other Team Share subscribers from editing and overwriting content while changes are being made. If the Auto Lock Word/Excel feature is turned on for a Team Share, the system will prompt users to lock files each time an item is opened. Administrators must turn on this feature for each individual Team Share.

For more information, please reference the Lock files and folders in the Web Portal - x360Sync and/or the Lock files and folders in the desktop client - x360Sync knowledgebase article(s).

Q: What is a collision?

A: A collision occurs when one file is modified in two different places at the same time. x360Sync will not attempt to merge these changes, and instead syncs the first file to finish uploading as the latest revision. The other version will be saved on the local machine, but marked as a collision.

The file and folder locking feature prevents collisions from occurring.

For more information, please reference the Resolve a file sync warning knowledgebase article.

Q: What file types are supported by the auto-locking feature?

A: The auto-locking feature applies to .doc, .docx, .xlsx, .ppt, and .pptx files. This feature also applies to .xls, .odt, .ods, and .odp documents if the documents are opened with LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

This feature is not supported for Word for Mac and .xls files opened with Excel.

This feature is only accessible from the desktop client installed on local machines.

For more information, please reference the Enable auto-locking for files in a Team Share - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

File server enablement (FSE)

Q: How do I set up File Server Enablement?

A: File Server Enablement allows you to cloud-enable any folder on a machine and map it to a Team Share or a user account.

To set up File Server Enablement, you simply need to install a desktop client on the target file server. After the desktop client is installed, find the registered file server in the Machines tab of the administrative web portal. From there, you can click the Enable Mapping link and configure mapping to a Team Share or a user account.

For more information, please reference the File Server Enablement knowledgebase article.

Q: Why am I seeing an Access Denied error when I try to set up File Server Enablement?

A; On the file server, ensure that the SYSTEM user—or the user who is running agent_service.exe*32—has full permissions to the target folder and all of its subfolders and files.

Q: Can I configure File Server Enablement for a NAS or San volume?

A: Yes; in addition to local paths, you can specify a network share, a UNC path, or a NAS device as a source for File Server Enablement. For instructions, please reference the Specify a UNC path for File Server Enablement - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: If a file is locked on a file server (using NTFS permission settings) will these locks be honored in mapped Team Shares?

A: For more information, please reference the Configure the file and folder locking feature - x360Sync knowledgebase article.


Q: What is the difference between syncing and backing up files?

A; When you create a backup of a folder on a local machine, all new changes are continuously backed up. The backup can be accessed from the web portal, but it does not reside in the local Synced Folder.

You can manage all backups—whether they were created by an administrator or an end user—by clicking the Backups tab. In the Backups page, you can manage the content of backups, browse the content of backups, and delete backups.

Q: Can I back up a database?

A: The Backups feature is designed to back up and restore important personal files, including Microsoft Office content, pictures, PDFs, and so forth. These files are typically stored in a user directory or a home folder.

The Backups feature is not designed to back up or restore a database, entire operating systems, or applications; backing up directories that contain application folders, system files, or temporary files will unnecessarily cause high CPU usage, and could affect the syncing process.

For more information, please reference the How do I create backups? knowledgebase article.

Q: What is the schedule for backups?

A: For more information, please reference the How do I create backups? knowledgebase article.

Protecting and restoring data

Q: What is a remote wipe?

A: If an end user loses a computer or mobile device, administrators can unlink the compromised device from the user account, thereby protecting synced data from unauthorized access. This technique is called a remote wipe, and is especially useful in organizations that need to comply with certain rules and regulations, such as HIPAA.

For instructions on performing a remote wipe, please reference Remotely Wipe Machines

Q: How can I recover from ransomware?

A: Ransomware is a type of malware that restricts access to infected content and demands that the user pay a ransom to remove the restriction. The Snapshot feature is particularly useful in these situations, restoring all currently-existing content in the root to a healthy revision at a specified point in time. In these cases, you can use the Activity Log to determine when the infected revisions were uploaded, and then restore files prior to the point of infection.

For instructions, please reference the Recover from advanced malware attacks using the Snapshot feature - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: What happens to an offline computer or mobile device when a remote wipe is initiated? 

The remote wipe process will not initiate while the desktop client is offline. When the desktop client comes back online, it will then complete the remote wipe process.

Q: What is the retention policy for revisions and deleted items?

A: As an administrator, you create data retention policies for each individual organization to determine how long revisions, synced data, and backups are stored in the system. Data is available according to those policies as long as subscriptions are paid in full..

As a reminder, when an item is purged from the system, it cannot be restored. The Axcient team cannot perform restore operations on purged data (files, folders, revisions) or containers (organizations).

For instructions, please reference the Configure data retention policies for an organization - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Active Directory

Q: Can I import users from Active Directory?

A: Yes; Active Directory, or any LDAP authentication source, can act as a source for user accounts within the system. When an authentication source is configured, an imported user can log in to the web portal using the credentials attached to his or her authentication source account.

For instructions, please reference the Integrate Active Directory - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Q: Can I import Groups from Active Directory?

A: At this time, importing Groups from Active Directory is not supported.

Q: What happens to existing user accounts when Active Directory integration is configured?

A: If you have already manually created user accounts, and want to convert these existing user accounts to AD user accounts, you must ensure that the email addresses match. If an email address matches, then the system will successfully convert the existing user account to an AD user account, and there will be no need to uninstall and reinstall desktop clients.

Q: How do Active Directory users log in?

A: For instructions, please reference the Register and log in with Active Directory credentials - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

Data management

Q: Does x360Sync offer seeding?

A: No; x360Sync does not currently offer seeding capabilities. Instead, you might decide to use the File Server Enablement feature to map a local file server to a Team Share in the x360Sync cloud.

For more information, please reference the Set up File Server Enablement knowledgebase article.

Q: How do end users consume data?

A: By default, users’ data consumption counts equally towards the Space Quota limit set for an organization. Alternatively, administrators can configure an Individual Space Quota policy for specific user accounts.  It is important to note that Team Share data only count one time towards an organization’s Space Quota policy, and does not count towards any one user’s Individual Space Quota policy.

To learn about setting an Individual Space Quota policy, please reference the Manually create user accounts - x360Sync knowledgebase article.

To learn about editing these policies, please reference the Configure data retention policies for an organization knowledgebase article.

Q: Do backups, revisions, and deleted items count towards my storage quota?

A: Yes; backups, revisions, and deleted items do count towards your storage quota.

To learn about editing these policies, please reference the Creating and Configuring Organizations and Policies knowledgebase article.

Q: How do I know how much space an organization is consuming?

A: As a best practice, we recommend that you always create an alert to be notified when an organization has reached a certain percentage of its quota limit.

For instructions, please reference the Manage the Activity Log and create alerts - x360Sync knowledgebase article.