Nov 24 2021 - x360Recover v 10.11.0 - Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Release overview 

x360Recover 10.11.0 is a feature release. 

Important new features in this release include the foundations of AutoVerify support for Direct-to-Cloud protected systems in the Axcient Cloud, local cache verification (with health status reporting and self-healing of cache data), and manual MVP support for direct recovery of protected system data back to Microsoft Azure.

Summary of new features

  • Cloud AutoVerify will enable AutoVerify testing of D2C endpoints on Axcient vaults
  • Local cache verification now reports the health status of local cache on endpoints (when this feature is enabled)
  • Virtual disk exports for Azure deliver instant export of virtual disks in Microsoft Azure format
  • Snapshot safety archive allows snapshot deletions to be protected by Safety Archive on Axcient vaults
  • Default value of ‘Missed Backup’ alert threshold is changed to 72 hours, to match Recover Manager defaults

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed the Clients filter on the Jobs pages to allow for the sorting of client name lists
  • Fixed issue with incomplete telemetry reporting in some edge cases
  • Set HTTPONLY flag for cookies (to reduce the risk of cross-site scripting)
  • Fixed bug which was allowing Backup Manager to run on GMP devices
  • Fixed a bug which was blocking feature flag updates if any flag update failed

Cloud AutoVerify for D2C endpoints (Preview)

With x360Recover 10.11.0, AutoVerify testing is now available for Direct-to-Cloud endpoints on Axcient-hosted vaults.   (Previously,  AutoVerify testing could only be performed for endpoints on self-hosted private cloud vaults. )

This functionality is segmented into a tiered testing strategy, allowing "lighter" tests (such as simple boot testing with screen capture) to be performed more frequently than "heavier" tests (such as full volume checkdisk integrity scanning.)

Note: In 10.11.0, Cloud AutoVerify is considered a ‘Preview’ release. Axcient will be unlocking this feature to partners over time as we evaluate our compute and storage infrastructure under the new load being generated.

For more information on Cloud AutoVerify, please see Cloud AutoVerify - D2C

Local cache verification with health status reporting

X360Recover 10.11.0 (in combination with agent release 2.31) supports periodic validation of your deployed local cache repositories. 

Agent 2.31 will perform the underlying validation of cache data once every 24 hours by default, based on a configurable schedule.

During this validation, the agent will scan the contents of the cache, compare it to the most recent backup and perform an evaluation of the health status of the cache. 

  • If any data is missing from the cache, those disk blocks will be flagged for inclusion during the next scheduled backup job. 
  • If more than a tiny percentage of data blocks is found to be missing in the cache, the health status will be set to warned or failed. 
  • The reported health status will depend on the number of missing blocks. 
  • Health status is reported to the appliance or vault and is visible on both the Protected Systems page and the Protected System Details page.

For complete details on local cache verification, see Local cache health verification for D2C

Virtual disk export for Azure

Since the inception of Direct-to-Cloud, a growing number of our partners have been adopting x360Recover to protect their Microsoft Azure cloud virtual machines.

We are working towards a simple point-and-click recovery of these protected systems, allowing you to move directly from the Axcient Cloud into Azure. 

  • As a first step towards this point-and-click recovery process, in release 10.11, x360Recover now supports instant virtual disk exports in the special VHD format used by Azure. Exported Azure VHD virtual disks can be imported directly back into Azure and then used to create a virtual machine for recovery. 

Note: Future enhancements will leverage Azure VHD disk imports into a wizard workflow within Recover Manager. This will allow you to fully automate your exports from Axcient, your imports to Azure, and the virtual machine creation process.

For more details about manual virtual machine recovery for Azure, see Virtual disk export - x360Recover D2C - Recovery Center

Auto Update Best Practices

We recommend that Enable Auto Update is enabled on the Settings -> Update Manager page on each of your x360Recover devices. 

We also recommend that you enable Auto-Enable Remote Assist When Upgrading so that remote access will be available to our development team should something go wrong with your upgrade.

  • This will ensure that your x360Recover devices are updated with the latest software enhancements in a timely fashion, and that the Support team will have a short window of time to access and repair any troublesome devices without requiring user intervention.

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