Configure client settings - x360Recover Manager

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 6th, 2021

Client notifications are outgoing messages intended to keep you informed of significant changes in the status of a client's devices. Triggers are based on Alert Configurations.

To configure client notifications:

1. In the Axcient RMC, click the Clients tab. 

2. In the Clients page, find the appropriate client and click the Details button. 

3. In the Client Details page, click the Settings link.

4. In the Notification Configuration section, click the Edit button.

5. In the Per-event notifications configuration section, enter an email address where notifications should be delivered. This email address will receive a notification when significant changes in health or connectivity occur.

6. In the Health digest notifications configuration section, enter an email address where notifications should be delivered. This email address will receive a health overview of devices and services each day.

Optionally, click the Add Another link to add additional email addresses.

7. Click the Save button when you are finished.