Smart Search: How to search with x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Smart Search

With x360Cloud’s SmartSearch tool, you can quickly perform full-text search operations across all user accounts and connected services to find one or more objects. 

You can even search historical snapshots and version history.  

When you find what you’re looking for, you can view documents and emails directly within the x360Cloud browser, without needing to download content or navigate away from the system. Objects can be backed up directly from OneDrive, SharePoint, GDrive, or as email or calendar event attachments.

Search Best Practices 

As a best practice, please consider the following when using x360Cloud's SmartSearch tool:

  • x360Cloud defines data as objects. 
  • Objects include emails, contacts, calendars, calendar events, files, documents, and similar data.
  • Searching in x360Cloud is not case sensitive
  • For fast and reliable searches, enter specific search criteria. This is especially helpful when trying to find text-heavy objects, like emails or documents. 


Search fields 

You can search for x360Cloud objects using the following fields:

Email objects   
  • from
  • to
  • content
  • subject
  • receivedDate
Contact objects  
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • workEmails
  • homeEmails
  • lastUpdated
 Document objects  
  • title
  • authors
  • content
  • fileName
  • lastUpdated
 Event objects  
  •  title
  • lastUpdated
  • location

Search Syntax Examples


Find an email subject containing the word 'application'

Syntax: subject: application

Find one file within a SharePoint Document Library

Syntax: sites/MySite/Shared Documents/

Find all files within a SharePoint Site Collection

Syntax: collections: sites\/MySiteCollection\/

Search a specific field that contains one word or another

Syntax: title:(contract OR paper)

Search a specific field containing an exact match 

Syntax: from:"John Smith"

Perform a relevant search when unsure of spelling

Syntax: title:grene~

Retrieve all objects within a date range 

Syntax: receivedDate:[2019-01-15 TO 2019-01-28]

Obtain search results with very specific criteria

Syntax: (financial AND document) OR (finansiell AND dokumentera) AND NOT "trouble"


Supported File Formats

File formats

Extension example

Microsoft Office document

 .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx,  .ppt, .pptx

Mail formats

 .eml, .pst, .msg

Electronic Publication


Hypertext Markup Language

 XHTML, HTML, .html, .xhtml, .xht



Portable Document


Rich Text




Plain Text


Compression and packaging

 .7z, .zip, ARJ, Dump, etc. (RAR is not currently supported)

XML and derived formats


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