Smart Search: Restore an object in x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


You can restore an object you have located using the x360Cloud SmartSearch tool.

You can also restore multiple objects.

The following object types are available to restore: 

  • Document (for example, from a SharePoint Document Library or OneDrive)
  • Email
  • Event
  • Contact

Note: Nested folders must be restored individually.  

STEP 1: Launch the x360Cloud Organization

On the Reseller Portal Organizations page, click the client ID of the organization you want to manage.

The organization Dashboard page displays, giving you access to organization details.

STEP 2: Access the Search Page

In the left-hand navigation menu, click the Search tab. 

The Search page displays, giving you access to a search toolbar and filtering options.

STEP 3:  Use filters to locate and select the object

In the Search page, click on the magnifying glass icon in the search bar.

This will open the Smart Search filters you can apply to help find your data. 

For more information on using x360Cloud's Smart Search filters, please reference How to search with Smart Search filters.

When you find the correct item, click the title of the object you want to view.

The page expands to display a right-hand browser window.

STEP 4: View the object

  • If you click the View File button, you'll see a preview the first 1000 characters of the file or email.
  • If this object is a document, you can also use the Latest version drop-down menu, to see previous versions of the file, if available.  
  • If you cannot view the details of a file, you might need to turn on Content Visibility settings. 

Note: In certain instances, you might not be able to view the content of very large backup objects. You can still, however, view metadata or download the object if needed. 

STEP 5: Restore the object

a. To restore an object, select the desired file by checking the box in front of the item's Title.

b. Then, click the Restore button in the upper right of the top navigation tool bar.

c. A Restore dialog box opens, confirming the number of objects you have selected to be restored.

This process can restore the object(s) to the same user account or a different user account.

d. Click the Restore to User drop-down menu to select the user account where this item will be restored.

e. Optionally, you can choose to use the check boxes to set other restore permissions.

  • For example, if this is a OneDrive file, you can click the Restore OneDrive Permissions checkbox to recover permission settings.
  • Optionally, if this is a OneDrive file, you can click the Send Email About Restored Permissions checkbox to alert the affected user.  

Please note that these two options, Restore OneDrive Permissions and Send Email About Restored Permissions are available only for OneDrive files.

f. In the Name of the Restore Folder field, enter the name of the folder where this item will be recovered.

g. Click the Restore button to complete the restore process. 

h. After clicking Restore, a confirmation message will display.

NOTE: Please be aware that restoration can take a significant amount of time, depending on the amount of data being restored. 

i. A restoration completion report will be visible in the Recent Activity section of the organization Dashboard page:

STEP 6: Track restoration progress

With the release of x360Cloud version 2.88.0, users have the ability to track the current number of objects that were successfully restored vs. the total number of objects selected for restoration in the Objects Restored column under the Recent Activity Report.

To view the restoration progress reporting information, navigate to the Dashboard for an organization that has an ongoing restoration and click on the Restore tab under the Recent Activity Report

In the new Objects Restored column, you will see two numbers: the number of successfully restored objects and the total number of objects selected for restoration, separated by a backslash. The numbers are based on the latest progress and are updated when the page is refreshed. 


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