Sync files with the Thin Client - x360Sync

Written By Heather Hootman ()

Updated at July 27th, 2024

When files and folders are added to the web portal, they automatically become viewable on your local machine, inside your Synced Folder. You can either keep content online to conserve local storage resources, or make files available for offline use.

To upload files in the Thin Client on a Windows machine:

  1. On your computer (local machine), open the Thin Client in an Explorer window.
  2. By default, files and folders are stored in the cloud. To make content available for offline use, right-click a file or folder, point to the Synced Folder menu item, and select Pin.

3. If you no longer need offline access to your content, right-click a file or folder, point to the Synced Folder menu item, and select Unpin.

4. To sync local content to the cloud, simply drag files or folders into your Synced Folder. 

Alternatively, you can create files inside of your Synced Folder, or save files to Synced Folder directly from the application in which you are working (for example, Microsoft Word).

How to use the icons to understand the current status of your files and folders.

Status Description Not Locked Locked
Syncing The Syncing icon indicates that the file or folder is uploading or downloading, and not synced with the server.
Unpinned The Unpin icon indicates that the file or folder is being stored in the cloud and only available locally with an Internet connection.
Cached The Cached icon indicates that the file is fully downloaded, not pinned and synced with server.
Pinned (Available Offline) The Pin Offline icon indicates that the file or folder is fully downloaded, pinned, and synced with the server.
Warning The Warning icon indicates that the file has at least one warning. For more information on warnings, please reference How to Manage Preferences section.

For more information on warnings, please reference x360Sync - Manage the Thin Client.


The following example displays four types of Thin Client status.

Review the icons to determine the status of each item:


  • Company Policies is currently syncing (either uploading or downloading) and is not yet synced
  • Resources is unpinned, only available online and not currently available offline 
  • Sales is cached, fully downloaded, not pinned and synced with the server 
  • PartnerExperience.docx is pinned, fully downloaded, available offline and synced with the server



Now that you have synced your files to the Thin Client, you can work with the available settings to fine tune your x360Sync experience. Click here to learn more about managing your choices.