**[INDEX] - x360Recover

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

This index is your "jumping off point" to explore our rich knowledgebase collection. 

**[INDEX] - x360Recover will remain visible in the left navigation panel, guiding you back to this page.


Recovery Playbook | one-page worksheet to compare recovery options and methods within x360Recover

ESSENTIAL USER GUIDE  |  step-by-step guide to understanding and using x360Recover services

1. Get started with x360Recover 
2. Configure x360Recover 
3. Manager (RMC) - Your "single pane of glass"  
4. Manage & monitor from vault or appliance   
5. Recover with x360Recover 

BEST PRACTICES  |  Recovery best practices you need to know [PDF]

COMPONENT INDICES  |  D2C Index |  BDR index |  x360Recover Technical FAQS

REQUIREMENTS  |  Supported hardware configurations and solutions for x360Recover

BILLING  |   x360Recover billing  |  Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) billing  |  Appliance-based billing  |  Virtual Office billing

SEEDING/PRELOAD  |  Overview  |   How long will my initial preload take?  |   WebSeed Guide

PSA  |  Overview  |    Integrate ConnectWise  |  Integrate Autotask  

COMPONENTS: D2C: |  Recovery Center |  Local cache for D2C  

COMPONENTS: X360R  |   Manager |   Virtual Office  |   AutoVerify |   AirGap  |  Axcient DirectRestore

Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) BDR - Appliances Technical FAQs
D2C.1.1  D2C Guide 
D2C.1.2 Requirements 
D2C.1.3 Install D2C   
D2C.1.4 Manage D2C    
D2C.1.5 Recover with D2C   
D2C.1.6 Components of D2C
Order an Axcient BDR appliance 
BDR.1.1  Appliance Guide 
BDR.1.2 Meet your BDR  
BDR.1.3  Choose appliances 
BDR.1.4  Bring your own  

FAQ.1.1 About x360R 
FAQ.1.2  x360R FAQS 
FAQ.1.3 D2C Technical FAQs 
FAQ.1.4 BDR Technical FAQs  
FAQ.1.5 BRC | Fusion FAQS

Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) 
How to...
Axcient BDR Appliance 
How to...
Download and install the D2C agent 
Convert an existing appliance agent to D2C 
Restore files/folders with D2C Recovery Center
Choose your BDR appliance 
Install the OS 
Configure a new BDR


2024 Release Notes - x360Recover

2023 Release Notes - x360Recover

2022 Release Notes - x360Recover




 SUPPORT | 720-204-4500 | 800-352-0248