Jun 02 2021 - v2.63.0 - Release Notes x360Cloud

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024




     June 2, 2021


     Fix issues reported by users 


New feature 

Object backup status report (for Microsoft 365 in v2.63.0)

If the backup of a single object (email, calendar event or contact) fails constantly during a 24 hour period, the backup status of the respective user account shows as Failed. This type of container backup failure then results in an organization backup status of Partial (even when other containers have backed up successfully. )  

To improve backup health reporting in these situations, we're providing more control over the processing of failed objects - and the first step is awareness: You can now see a list of any failed objects causing backup failures.

  • In x360Cloud v2.62.0,  (for targeted partners) we've added an Object backup status tab to the Reports page.


This new tab shows a list of object versions that have failed to backup, along with the current backup status of those objects. 

  • Object path indicates the path to the object in the source system.
  • Object ID provides an identifier for that object in the source system, so you can locate and verify the details involved. (See Locate an object in the source system.) 
  • Backup status displays the current results. (Backup status descriptions are explained here.)
  • Last backup attempt shows the date and time of the latest backup attempt for the container housing this particular object (e.g. calendar or mailbox of an end user account).


  • Objects are only collected in this report when x360Cloud fails to back them up.
  • This report is not a log of successfully-backed up objects.  (The system does not capture objects which successfully backup from the first attempt.)

    • When additional backup attempts for a given object succeed, that object's status is transitioned from Failure to Success. After a 30-day retention period, this object record is removed from the list.
    • If, during a further backup attempt, the source system indicates that the object no longer exists, the object status transitions from Failure to Not Available. After a 30-day retention period, this object record is removed from the list.

To enable the object backup status features for your x360Cloud organizations, please contact Support .


Paginated list in the Recent Activity Report showing all restorations 

Previously, users could only see details for the five most recent restorations performed in x360Cloud. (These details are shown in the Restore tab of the Recent Activity Report.)

This was sometimes a problem, since users were unable to inspect earlier restorations or to review target locations for those earlier restorations.

In x360Cloud 2.63.0 we've added pagination to the Recent Activity section, allowing users to track all historical restorations performed within a particular organization:



  • Fixes for customer escalations and markup issues. 

Known issues 

  • Page will sometimes constantly reload when re-logging in to x360Portal after a browser session expires if x360Cloud is open in multiple browser tabs. Closing other x360Cloud tabs in the browser or manual navigation to x360Cloud helps to work around this problem.
  • Smart Search shows an incorrect number of matching results for Mail when using Filter by collection.
  • Descriptions for some issues and backup progress are not shown in the container-level downloadable backup report and on the Reports page.



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