[Legacy] ShadowProtect - Continuum - OBM - Integrate Continuum

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Continuum RMM is a monitoring agent which reports device status (including backups) to a monitoring dashboard.

Continuum agents monitor Axcient backups only when the Axcient Online Backup Manager (OBM) agent and the Continuum monitoring agent are both installed on the same device (either server or desktop/PC.)

The Continuum monitoring agent supports Axcient File Backup version 3.7.8 and above.

Process Overview

redball.gif Create an Axcient Partner API account
Continuum needs an Axcient Partner API user account in order to integrate with Axcient's Web Portal. This user account must be created as a sub-account to your Partner Senior Manager Account.

redball.gif  Set Partner API roles in the Axcient Web Portal
Assign Partner API roles, using your CID, based on brand and/or sub-brand.

redball.gif  Use Axcient API credentials in the Continuum Monitoring Portal
Save the newly created Axcient API Credentials in the Continuum ITSupport Portal Dashboard.

redball.gif  Configure Continuum ticket generation or suppression in the Continuum Portal
There are two ticket-generating options available when using Axcient :

• Advanced Ticket-Generation: This option offers ticketing through Axcient's notifications and PSA integration. This option supports flexible ticketing, including auto-resolution of tickets.

• Basic Ticket-Generation: This option relies on the Continuum agents to generate tickets. Ticketing using this option is available by turning off the Axcient Partner and PSA notifications.

Step 1. Create API account on the Axcient Web Portal

After you log in to the Axcient Web Portal using your partner credentials, there are two ways to create a Partner API account in the Axcient Web Portal:

Step 2. Set the Partner API Role in the Axcient Web Portal

To change the role of the newly created account to the API role:

  1. In the Account Center, right click on the newly created
  2. Navigate to Password/Security > Set Role

3. Select Partner API as the security role and click Submit to save:


IMPORTANT! It is crucial that only accounts associated within your partner customer identification (CID) are assigned a Partner API role. Adding a Partner API role to customer records gives that customer access to all your customer accounts.

Need help determining your CID?

Please visit the following Knowledge Base (KB) article:  How to find my CID

IMPORTANT! When parent brands or sub-brands are involved:

  • If you are the parent brand, configuring Continuum to pull in all brand and sub-brand account information, follow the above instructions only for the parent brand’s partner customer record. Do not configure a Partner API account for each sub-brand.
  • If you are a sub-brand (or want to configure each sub-brand to retrieve only their own customer information), configure a Partner API account for the desired sub-brand(s).
  • If the parent brand is intended to pull in only its own customer data (in isolation from its sub-brands), a conversion will be needed. You must adjust the customers and/or brand hierarchy to essentially convert the parent brand into a sub-brand.

Step 3. Use Axcient API credentials in the Continuum Monitoring Portal

Save the newly created Axcient API Credentials in the Continuum ITSupport Portal Dashboard.

To update credentials at a later time, navigate to Quick Access > Backups > Axcient and click the Update Credentials button in the upper right corner.

Step 4. Configure ticket generation or suppression in the Continuum Portal

If this Axcient-Continuum Integration is being used for advanced ticket generation and management, the Axcient-Continuum Ticket generation should be turned off. (Advanced Ticket-Generation offers ticketing through Axcient's notifications and supports flexible ticketing, including auto-resolution of tickets.)

1. First, locate the Level and Policy: 

Navigate to Setup Tab > Extensions menu > IntelliMon Alerts > Configure Suppression. Find the Backup family. Then, modify either the Global Policy or the Site Policy. [View larger image here:]

2. Suppress the Continuum Alert: 

At this point, the Global Policy should already be configured, so click the Already Configured tab. Find the Axcient backup failed alert, place a checkmark under the Add column, and fill in a reason in the Enter Reason field. Then click Add. 

[View larger image here:]

3. View Backup Status: 

Select the Quick Access > Backups tab. For help with determining the icons under the Backup Destination columns, use the legend located in the upper right corner.


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