Change a remote system to encrypted backups - x360Recover BDR

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

 Encrypting backups is accomplished during remote agent install and can't be enabled on-the-fly on the backend of the appliance.

Therefore, when changing to encrypted backups:

  • the agent and all it's data will need to be removed on the remote system and

  • the protected system needs to be removed then re-added in the appliance.

Thus, you will lose all previous backup data.


1. Make note and/or save out any custom changes to the 'aristos.cfg' file on the remote system. (For example volume exclusions and/or worker threads.)

NOTE: Do not save out the 'aristos.cfg' file with the intention of copying the file back after re-installing the agent. This will NOT work. Simply save-out for reference only.

2. Un-install the x360Recover agent on the remote system

3. Delete the entire x360Recover install directory:

--x86 system--
C:\Program Files\x360Recover

--x64 system--
C:\Program Files (x86)\x360Recover

4. Remove the protected system from the appliance by clicking the (RED X) under Actions

NOTE: The deletion process can take time to complete while the ZFS file system scrubs data. Do not proceed until the protected system is gone.

5. Reinstall the x360Recover agent on the remote system. This time, enter encryption information.

NOTE: If you need to re-add custom changes to the 'aristos.cfg' do the following from an elevated CMD window on the remote system:

CD (Change Directory) to the x360Recover install directory

Run command:
net stop x360Recover

Run command:
Notepad aristos.cfg

Make custom changes to 'aristos.cfg' then save-exit Notepad

Run command:
net start x360Recover

6. Once the protected system shows up in the appliance, you can take the first encrypted backup.

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