What can organization-level administrators do in x360Cloud?

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at June 10th, 2024

Introducing: Organization-level administrators

In x360Cloud v2.20.0, we introduced a new type of user: the organization-level administrator

Please note that organization-level administrators operate on an isolated level within a single organization. For instance, they do not have do not have access to the reseller menu in the x360 Portal.

So, what exactly can this new type of organization-level user do?

Organization-level administrators can perform the following: 

  • Log in to the organization's instance of x360Cloud at http://cloudfinder.axcient.com/
  • View organization backup reports
  • Perform organization data search and restore
  • Select (de-select) organization end user accounts for (from) backup
  • Manage organization backup settings, auto selection for users and SharePoint sites
  • Add\change organization SharePoint URLs
  • Toggle on\off services backup (e.g. email, calendar)
  • Restore all organization end user account data
  • Explore organization audit logs
  • Create or delete other organization-level users


Organization-level administrators CANNOT perform the following:

  • Cannot access the x360 Portal at https://partner.axcient.com/login
  • Cannot sign up for a new service to be backed up in x360Cloud
  • Cannot create a new organization or provider in x360Cloud
  • Cannot access other organizations in x360Cloud
  • Cannot access user management for reseller-level accounts in the x360 portal

Organization-level administrative users do not have access to the reseller user's menu in the x360 Portal.



How to create new organization-level user accounts in x360Cloud

How to delete organization-level user accounts in x360Cloud


Please contact your Partner Success Manager or Support if you have specific technical questions about organization-level administrators in x360Cloud. 


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