Export and import ShadowProtect backup jobs

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


For various reasons it might be necessary to adjust the activation or installation of a ShadowProtect agent and as such might require steps which would otherwise require a new backup chain.  Since the backup job information is stored in the protected server's registry, to continue on an existing chain it is a matter of exporting and importing the relevant registry key information.  The export steps must be done prior to uninstalling the ShadowProtect software.


StorageCraft has an article describing how to Export and Import the Jobs key here:

However, those instructions do not include the destination information, nor does it include the Email configuration if the agent was configured to send out emails on its own.

The following registry keys would need to be exported as well:

If you want to export these keys without the registry then please use the command prompt to run the following commands (substituting your own destination locations):

reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ShadowProtectSvc\Parameters\Jobs C:\somefolder\somefile.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ShadowProtectSvc\EmailOptions C:\somefolder\somefile.reg
reg export HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\ShadowProtectSvc\Parameters\do C:\somefolder\somefile.reg

During the import please follow StorageCraft's instructions concerning how to import the keys.

Note: If the "do" registry key is not exported, then you will have to manually re-create the destination information in the agent configuration.  The Jobs sub keys contain information pointing to the destination object ("do", what is configured in the agent's Destination tab) but it also copies some of the information.  If you originally configured the destination bath as an IP address but after importing the Jobs information you switch and use a hostname, the initial backup attempts will fail because it "can't find" the destination.  Any change to the destination must be followed with an update to the job wizard.

Note Instructions: If manually creating or otherwise changing destinations, go to the agent's Job tab, click Edit along the top (don't right click and use Edit schedule), click Next through the Job wizard till you reach the destination drop down selection.  Pick the correct destination or otherwise confirm it's the accurate path and reference, click Next through the rest of the panels and Finish out the wizard.  That will update the Jobs information with the right Destination information.