Resolve "RPC Server is unavailable" errors

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Within the ShadowProtect management console GUI, a new agent/node connection in the Management View fails with the following message:

The RPC server is unavailable

Common Cause

A firewall is blocking traffic from the ShadowProtectSvc.exe process on the BDR (or server running the management console GUI) to to the new agent/node machine.


The recommended solution is to add an exception in the firewall on the machine (agent) being backed up.

Steps to add the exception:

  1. In your Start Menu search box enter "wf.msc". This will open the “Windows Firewall with Advanced Security” settings.
  2. On the tree in the left panel, right click on "inbound rules" and select "New Rule...".
  3. On the rule type, choose the "Program" radio button and click "Next...".
  4. On the Program Page, click the "Browse..." button, navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\StorageCraft\ShadowProtect", select "ShadowProtectSvc.exe". Click OK, and then Next
  5. On the Action Page, choose the "Allow the connection" radio button (default setting). Click Next.
  6. On the Profile Page, check all of the check boxes. (default settings)
  7. On the Name Page, enter "ShadowProtect Service" in the name box.
  8. Click Finish to close the wizard.
  9. Return to management view on the target machine and attempt to connect.

    NOTE: It may also be necessary to enable existing DCOM-in rules. This can be done in the inbound rules pane, of the Windows Firewall Management Console on the source (agent), ensure the rule(s) named "Windows Management Instrumentation (DCOM-In)" are enabled (green checkmark).

Further information regarding this error can be found on the StorageCraft Website at: