Recover a UEFI/GPT virtual machine - ShadowProtect

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

The following instructions demonstrate how to: 

  • Create a New Virtual Machine (VM)
  • Create Additional Disks to be Restored
  • Connect the New VM
  • Configure the Network
  • Run the Restore Wizard
  • Complete the Restoration


Create a New Virtual Machine (VM)


2. Configure a new VM using the New Virtual Machine Wizard

To customize the configuration of a new VM, you will use the New Virtual Machine Wizard. 

a. Under the Before You Begin navigation menu in the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next to begin customizing the new VM.

 b. Specify a name and location for the new VM and click Next:

c. In order to recover a EFI/GPT system, go to the Specify Generation navigation menu and select Generation 2 and then click Next:

d. Under the Assign Memory navigation menu, enter the desired amount of Startup memory for this new VM and click Next to continue:

e.  Under the Configure Networking navigation menu, drop-down the Connection menu and select Internal-LAN. Then click Next.


f. Under the Connect Virtual Hard Disk navigation menu, verify that the Name selected is the same name specified in Step 2 above.

Next, configure Size. Be certain to provide enough space. The size should be equal to or greater than the volume you are restoring.

 Then, click Next to continue.

g. Under the Installation Options navigation menu, click on Install an operating system from a bootable image file and click Browse.


h. Locate the Recovery.Environment.x64.en.ISO and click Open.


i. Return to the Installation Options navigation menu.

 Verify that the Media image file displayed is ShadowProtect.Recovery.Environment.x64.en.ISO

 Click Next to continue.

j. Under the Summary navigation menu, review the customization features you have just configured for this new VM.

 Click Finish to complete customization of the new VM.


Create additional disks to be restored

 At this point, your new VM has been created, but if you have additional disks to restore, you will need to configure them now.

Return to the Hyper-V Manager.

a.) Locate this new VM. (In this example: 2012gen2 )

b.) Select Settings:


  1. If you have additional disks to restore:

a. Click on SCSI Controller on the left navigation panel

b. Highlight Hard Drive

c. Click Add

Repeat this step for each disk to be added.

Configure additional disks using New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard

1. From within the Hyper-V Settings menu for the new VM, click New:


2. You have launched the New Virtual Hard Disk Wizard.

 From the Before You Begin navigation menu, click Next to begin configuring the added disk.

3. From the Choose Disk Type navigation menu, select Fixed Size and click Next to continue.


4. From the Specify Name and Location navigation menu, enter a Name for the new volume and click Next to continue.

[This example disk is named evol]

5. From the Configure Disk navigation menu, enter a Size equal to (or greater) than the original volume to be restored. Click Next to continue.


6. From the Summary navigation menu, review the configuration settings and click Finish.

 The new virtual hard disk will now create itself:


7. When the new disk has been created, you will see it in the left-hand navigation panel for the new VM. [This example disk is named evol]

  • If you have additional disks to create, click New and repeat the instructions to Create Additional Disks to be Restored.
  • When you have finished creating all needed new disks, click OK to exit.


Connect the New VM

1. Return to the Hyper-V Manager.

a. Highlight the new virtual machine. [This example is 2012gen2]

b. Click Connect.


2. Click the green power button at the top of the connection window. As soon as booting begins, press any key to boot to the Recovery Environment (RE) CD.


3. When the Virtual Machine Connection screen opens:

a. Select the Wizards tab in the ShadowProtect Recovery Environment (RE).

b. Go to Tools on the left hand navigation.

c. Click Select Time Zone.

d. If the displayed time zone in the drop-down is correct, click OK.

Otherwise, re-select the desired time zone from the drop-down list.

 Setting the correct time zone is especially important for Domain Controllers.


Initialize Newly Created Disks

 The ShadowProtect Recovery Environment (RE) requires that all newly created disks be initialized.

1. The Initialize Disks window opens automatically.

a. Select the disk to be initialized.

b. Choose Initialize as GPT disk from the drop-down list.


2. Next, right-click the desired boot volume. (The boot volume in this example is Disk 0.)

a. From the Initialize disk layout as drop-down, select Windows System Disk.

b. Click OK to continue.


 3. Next, right-click the desired data volume. (The data volume in this example is Disk 1.)

 a. From the Initialize disk layout as drop-down, select Windows System Disk.

b. Click OK to continue.


 4. Close the Initialize Disks window.

 Configure the Network

1. Select the Disk Map tab in the ShadowProtect Recovery Environment and locate Tools on the left hand navigation panel.

  1. Under Tools, click Network Configuration, to open the Network Manager window.
  2. Click on Obtain an IP address automatically to change to manual address selection
  3. Input an IP address in the same range used when you configured your Virtual Firewall LAN*
  4. (In this example, 168.1.2).
  5. Use the same Subnet Mask used in your Firewall. (In this example,
  6. The Default Gateway will be the Firewall Address (In this example,
  7. Use for the static DNS address.
  8. Click Apply 


NOTE: The Virtual Firewall Configuration Guide is available here:

Connect and Map the Drive

Select the Network Drives tab on the left navigation panel of the Network Manager window and complete the following fields:

  • For Path, enter the UNC path of the CC Node X: volume, \\\x$.
  •  Enter the Username as continuitycloud
  •  Use the same Password you use to connect to the CC Node. (Copy and paste the password using the clipboard, to avoid errors when manually retyping.)


 After all of the above fields are completed as shown, click the Connect button in at the top right corner of the Network Manager

A confirmation message will appear stating “Successfully Mapped…………..”

 Click OK.

 Close the Network Manager.


Create Partitions

Select the Disk Map tab on the top row of the ShadowProtect Recovery Environment.

  • Right click on the largest volume from Disk 0. This assigns the boot volume and opens the Create Partition
  • Create a partition, using the full amount allocated. (You can use the full amount allocated because you have already created the virtual disk to the right size.)
  • Under Partition Type, select Windows Basic Data Disk.
  • Click OK to continue.

  Run the Restore Wizard

  1. Click the Restore Volume tab in the left panel of the ShadowProtect Recovery Environment.


  1. The Restore Wizard will Click Next. Choose the Restore radio button and then click Next to continue.

  1. Click Browse to search for the image you wish to restore.


  1. By default, the image will be on the drive which you connected earlier, Z:
  •  Navigate to the folder of the chain you wish to restore.
  •  Select the appropriate backup date and time.
  •  Click Next to continue.

  1. ShadowProtect will require the backup image password.
  •  Enter the backup image password to access the chain.
  •  Click OK.
  •  Click Next to continue.


 6. Verify that the date and time match what you selected and click Next.


 7. Select the volume you created earlier [C:\ for boot volume] and click Next to continue.


 8. A Finalize options window will appear.

  •  Make sure the box for Finalize the volume at the end of this restore is checked.
  •  Click Next to continue.


 9. A Specify the restoration options window will appear.

  •  Ensure you have checked the Use Hardware Independent Restore 
  •  Click Next to continue.


10. The Restore Wizard will now display a Summary of the options we have selected.

 Review the settings and click Finish to begin the restoration operation.


     Complete the Restoration 

  1. On the Task Manager tab of the ShadowProtect Restoration Environment, a status screen will display with (a) the approximate remaining time until restoration is completed and (b) the percentage of restoration currently completed.

  1. Once restoration is finished, a message will indicate that restoration is 100% completed. A message will also appear if any errors occurred during the restoration.

  1. If there are no errors, click on Tools at the top menu and select Boot Configuration Utility.

Verify the Bootable Status

  1. When the Boot Configuration Data window appears, verify that the Status is
  •  If the Status does NOT display as Bootable, go to the bottom of the Boot Configuration Data window and uncheck the Hide Advanced Options
  •  Unchecking the Hide Advanced Options box will allow you to then select the Auto Repair function in the upper right hand corner of the Boot Configuration Data
  • If the Auto Repair function is not available or fails after you select it, please call us at 800-352-0248.

  1. Click the power-off button at the top of the connection window to turn off the virtual machine. Then return to the Virtual Machines Manager window.


  1. Return to the Hyper-V Manager and open the settings for this new VM.
  • Select the DVD Drive.
  • Remove the DVD ISO by selecting None.
  • Click OK to exit.


Boot the newly created VM:

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