Feb 2021 - Thick Client v 3.0 Release Notes - x360Sync

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at October 13th, 2021


     x360Sync Synced Tool for Desktop




     February 2021


  • Ensure compliance with new rules for macOS applications
  • Improve the user experience in handling the sync status report
  • Improve syncing performance
  • Enable users to resolve all collisions with a single action
  • Improve overall resilience


Compliance with new Apple notarization rules 

Apple is now enforcing notarization compliance rules on every application distributed outside of the Apple Store. To ensure that Axcient x360Sync Synced Tool for macOS is compliant with these Apple notarization rules, we’ve made changes in third-party library dependencies and integrated the Apple notarization in the Synced Tool release process.

The only change you may notice is that macOS will stop showing warnings when installing or launching the Synced Tool for macOS. 

Sync Status report improvements

In Axcient x360Sync Synced Tool for Desktop 2.7.1, we introduced the Synced Status report, which provides simple-to-process information about the current status of the sync process.

With your helpful feedback, we identified improvements for the Sync Status report and included them in this version:

  • The formatting of a Sync Status report name now includes the report name, machine identifier, date and time. This naming scheme is especially convenient if you store reports in a single folder, as it enables you to group reports from one machine and have them ordered by dates when sorting by file name.
    The new name format looks like this:
    Sync Status Report - [Machine identifier] - [YYYY_MM_DD HH_mm].txt
  • The default saving location has been changed to [Current User Profile]/Documents

Increased syncing speed by updating default config

We discovered that many of our partners manually change the configuration of the TCP send and receive buffer sizes from the 8 Kilobyte default for Windows to 1 Megabyte. Changing this setting increases the sync download and upload speed, and the positive performance impact is especially noticeable when syncing a large number of small files.

In Synced Tool for Desktop 3.0, we’ve updated the default configuration setting for TCP send and receive buffer sizes to be 1 Megabyte, simplifying the setup process for new machines.

New option to retry a collision resolution

A collision is a file sync conflict that occurs when one file is modified in two different places at the same time. When the Synced Tool identifies a collision, it shows a warning with options to resolve the collision. Sometimes, the Synced Tool is unable to resolve a collision. (For example, this could happen if the collision file is locked by another process.) In 3.0, we’ve added special handling of this situation to allow a user to retry the collision resolution after a failed attempt.

Please find more information about collisions' and other warnings' resolutions in this article.


  • Fixed the sorting order of Team Shares presented in the Selective Sync view
  • Resolved Synced Tool crashes that happened on some macOS 10.15 Catalina machines on fresh install
  • Improved the integration with macOS system to change the lock overlay without delays
  • Fixed a scenario which led to unintentional deletion of files when using the Selective Sync dialog
  • On Windows, fixed collision manager to place collision files to the current user's Recycle Bin location
  • On macOS, fixed the display issues of tooltips that did not disappear after losing focus
  • Fixed scenarios when the Custom Branding icon was not displayed in the Finder app of macOS 10.14 Mojave.  


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