Introduction to x360Sync for Administrators

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

Welcome to the x360Sync Administrator Guide

This is a self-guided manual to walk through the administrator features and functionality for x360Sync.

This introductory section provides an overview of x360Sync and acts as an index to connect with you the followinging documentation:


We also offer a series of free, self-paced online certification courses, designed to get you up and running with x360Sync.

To access the online courses, log in to your x360Portal account and click the Training tab in the left navigation. Start with  x360Sync Course 1: Getting Started with x360Sync which provides examples of configuring, managing, troubleshooting and marketing x360Sync. 

Introduction to x360Sync

x360Sync offers partners and their end users invincible productivity. End users benefit from secure access, sharing, and collaboration options, and partners gain peace-of-mind knowing that data is protected and secure.

x360Sync for Administrators

x360Sync is a secure and reliable file synchronization software platform that allows end users to collaborate, synchronize content from multiple devices, and back up important files and folders.

x360Sync is comprised of two services:

  • The server service can be hosted within your internal infrastructure (called the private cloud model) or it can be provided by x360Sync’s hosted cloud infrastructure (called the SaaS model). System administrators install and manage the server service, and organization administrators can be appointed to help manage the server service.
  • The desktop client is used by end users and is deployed to a multitude of endpoints, including desktops, laptops, servers, and mobile devices. End users access their files, folders, and shares through the web portal, their desktop clients, and their mobile apps.


Within the system, you create organizations and suborganizations, which represent a parent-child hierarchy of entities. An organization might be your internal company, a customer, a group, a department, or a location. A suborganization is a sub-entity that exists below the parent organization. Organizations and suborganizations can be configured to have different settings, while still maintaining a relationship within the system.


Within organizations, user accounts are created for end users who work inside an organization or suborganization. Guest accounts can be created for temporary users who have been invited to collaborate on, or view, a file, folder, or share. Guest accounts might be vendors, temporary employees, or consultants.


Data is stored in various roots, including

  • A personal root, which contains data that is created when a user account is generated in the system. It holds all personal data for the user account.
  • A Team Share root, which contains data that is shared with multiple user accounts.
  • A backup root, which contains backed up data that can be restored in the event of data loss. Backup roots are not replicated to other machines.

When allocating space quota settings, you should consider that Team Share roots only count towards the storage quota of an organization. Backup roots and personal roots, however, count towards both organization and individual user account storage quota.

Maximum File Size

To promote collaboration and increase file sharing options, x360Sync does not limit the size of files a standard user or guest user can upload through the web portal or through the desktop client.

Organization administrators can use the Max File Size policy to control the size of files uploaded through the desktop client, mobile apps, and web uploads for users and guests. For more information, please reference the How to Create a New Organization section of the Guide.

Database Files

x360Sync currently does not support the syncing of live database files. Examples include:

  • Live Databases (.dbs)
  • Microsoft Access Databases
  • Quickbook Files
  • .pst Files

Supported operating systems

Desktop clients can be installed on both Windows and OS X machines. It should be noted that x360Sync only supports 64-bit OS X machines.

Desktop clients cannot be installed under a roaming profile. You can, however, configure a terminal server environment if necessary.

x360Sync compression

With x360Sync, your data is synchronized as efficiently as possible. When large, compressible files over 1MB are placed in the sync queue, x360Sync utilizes an rsync-based syncing method that compares the existing revision with the updated revision, and will only transfer the changed portion. For example, if you edit one row of a large Excel spreadsheet, that change will be detected, and only that row will be synchronized. In this way, x360Sync will never unnecessarily re-upload a file or waste bandwidth, resulting in efficient, quick, and safe file syncing.

When dealing with files that are not compressible, the rsync method cannot be utilized. These file types will still be synchronized, but must be entirely re-uploaded. These file types include:

.mis .mpeg .fla
.3gp .vob .flac
.avi .wmv .m4a
.divx .bik .mp1
.flv .qt .mp2
.m4v .rm .mp3
.mkv .dts .ogg
.mov .aac .wma
.mp4 .ac3 .mv
.mpg .ape .mk