Axcient Certification Courses

TRAINING for all Axcient products

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024

What are Axcient certification courses?

The Axcient certifications program is our set of free, self-paced interactive training courses, offered in the x360Portal.

The courses are designed to give you a "jump start" into our Axcient product environments. Each course will walk you through the basics of how to set up and maintain that Axcient product.

All of the courses have been designed so someone can "start from zero" and walk away feeling confident they can work with Axcient products.

Navigating Axcient Certifications

To explore your certifications courses, click on the Training tab in the x360Portal dashboard:

You will be brought to your Certifications home page, where you can

  • take the courses that are already assigned to you
  • sign up for courses
  • review all of your course completion data

Now that you have learned about the certifications program, feel free to log into your x360Portal and explore Axcient Certifications at your own pace.


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