Resolve a "Did not find a recent collapsed incremental backup" error [ShadowProtect]

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


You receive an error message in your backup logs along the lines of: 

Did not find a recent collapsed incremental backup within 3 days for the ShadowProtect file: \\?\X:\VolumeImages\SERVER\C_VOL-b001.spf. Check ShadowProtect and ImageManager for more information on why backups are not properly being generated.

We report this error when we do not see a collapsed daily file in the last 3 days for the reported base image. A collapsed daily file name will end with -cd and have a file extension of .spi (a collapsed daily file referencing the base image above would look something like C_VOL-b001-i0123-cd.spi)


There are multiple scenarios that could lead to you receiving this error message.   

  1. ShadowProtect is no longer taking backups for that Volume/Server   
  2. Image Manager is not able to collapse the chain or is not configured to manage the folder   
  3. A new backup chain has been created so incrementals are no longer being created for the old base image.   
  4. ShadowProtect agent schedules are intentionally not running 5-7 days a week.


  1. ShadowProtect is no longer taking backups for that Volume/Server   
    1. Check go to the Backup History tab for the given server and verify that backups have been taken recently.    
    2. There are no errors and you see logs of recent backups move onto the next step   
    3. If there are errors and there are no recent backups for that server there is an issue with ShadowProtect that needs troubleshooting   
    4. If you need help troubleshooting ShadowProtect issues please create a new support ticket with a description of the error messages you are seeing in the ShadowProtect Backup History
  2. Image Manager is not able to collapse the chain or is not configured to manage the folder   
    1. Open ImageManager and verify that the folder for the server being backuped is in the list of folers manged. (IMPORTANT: You have to mange one folder for each server example: X:\VolumeImages\ServerName. Just managing X:\VolumeImages will not work)   
    2. If the server is being managed make sure there is a green check next to the server. If there is not you can find logs in C:\Program Files (x86)\StorageCraft\ImageManager\Logs. If you need further assistance, create a new support ticket and attach the log files.   
    3. Check the version of ImageManager by clicking on Agent Settings then the about tab. Make sure you are using at least version 4.1.5. There are known cases where 4.1.0 will just stop managing a server with out warning. The solution is to upgrade to 4.1.5 or later. You can download a newer version here (   
    4. There can also be issues if you have VM or temp files mixed in with the Image Files. Check for any files that end in .xsp, .spwb, or any .spi that has "VM in the file name. If you find some verify that there are no VirtualBox Virtual machines running and move them to a different folder. Once you verify the issue is resolved you can remove them.
  3. A new backup chain has been created so incrementals are no longer being created for the old base image.   
    1. Open up the folder with the image files in explorer.  
    2. Search for .spf. If you want to check a specific volume search for volumename*.spf (C_VOL*.spf) This will give you all of the base files. There should only be one base file per volume.    
    3. If you have multiple bases they will be named with different number C_VOL-b001.spf, C_VOL-b002.spf ...etc   
    4. Usually the current chain will be the highest base number -b002 in this instance. You can verify that by looking at the Backup Jobs tab in ShadowProtect. Under Basic Properties the Task Details line will have the last incremental file that was written which will have the base number in it.   
    5. If you do have multiple base images move all of the files in that chain to a different directory. So following our example I would search for C_VOL-b001* and move all the files that returns to a folder outside the images folder so X:\OldChains. You should be moving .spf, .spi, and .md5 files. Make sure to Cut and Paste and not copy the operation will complete much faster. Once you are confident the issue is resolved and you have good backups you can remove the files you moved.
  4. ShadowProtect agent schedules are intentionally not running 5-7 days a week. 
    1. IMPORTANT: This should only be used if all other causes have been ruled out AND there is a larger-than-2-day window where the ShadowProtect jobs have INTENTIONALLY been set to not run.
    2. Open the Online Backup Manager and go to the Folders panel.
    3. Select the VolumeImages folder-policy and click on Properties.
    4. Scroll down about half way and look for the ShadowProtect Integration section.
    5. Modify the "Verify Backups are Recent" setting from the default 3 days to the desired window length.
      1. If you have a ShadowProtect no-backup window of 2 days (eg: no snapshots on Saturday and Sunday), then you want 3 days here.
      2. If you have a longer no-backup window of 3 days (eg: no snapshots on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday), then you want 4 days here.