Mar 2024 - Private Cloud 3.6.2 - x360Sync Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


x360Sync Private Cloud



Release Date

March 28, 2024


Thick Client Windows - 3.6.8

Thin Client Windows - 3.6.1

Thick Client Mac - 3.6.0

Server - 3.6.9

Web - 2.79.1

Outlook add-in - 3.6.1


  • Improved overall product stability, introduced multiple reliability and usability enhancements
  • Implemented major event system updates, improving the performance of agent registration and unblocking future performance improvements
  • Thick and Thin Client: Changed temporary folder location for updater downloads in order not to trigger antivirus software 
  • Thick and Thin Client: SMBv1 protocol is no longer supported for connecting to network drives. It's insecure and might cause issues. We recommend using SMBv2 or SMBv3 instead 
  • Thin Client: Updated the virtual file system driver for better performance and reliability. In some cases, when this driver is being used by another process during the program update, the users might be asked to reboot their machines for the program update to complete and for Thin Client to return to a fully functional state
  • Thick Client Mac: Added support for macOS 14 Sonoma
  • Optimized initial metadata sync to reduce delays, especially for big roots 
  • Web: Organization administrator can now disable two-step authentication per account, which is helpful when users lose their restore keys. If the organization settings require two-step authentication for all accounts, the user will be prompted to set it up again next time they log in
  • Web: When deleting a user's account, the administrator can now choose to keep share links created by that user. In that case, the links will stay active and the organization administrator will be able to manage them
  • Web: Improved policy checks in the uploader. If a user tries to upload a file that exceeds the organizational file size limit or has a restricted file type, they will get an error message immediately without waiting for the upload to finish
  • Web: Improved UI in drag-and-drop upload dialog
  • Web: Improved breadcrumb navigation for shared folders with deep folder structure
  • Outlook: Improved email templates with unified messaging for public and secure share links. For secure share links, added the name of the person sharing the files and links to those files. Added more clear instructions for the recipient on how to access the files


  • Thick and Thin Client: Fixed an issue when changing machine/profile name was resulting in agent service becoming unable to start even after reboot 
  • Thick and Thin Client: Fixed an issue when user file changes could be overwritten with server without collision 
  • Thick and Thin Client: Fixed an issue when permissions were applied incorrectly, causing the error "assertion failed new_modifications.empty" 
  • Thick Client: Fixed an issue when removing or deselecting a root subscription during active syncing could cause slow or stalled sync 
  • Thick Client: Fixed an issue when filesystem locks (Deny ACE) weren’t disabling even after agent locks were lifted in some cases 
  • Thin Client: Fixed an issue when cutting files from Synced Folder and pasting them into a local folder could lead to data loss
  • Thin Client: Fixed an issue when network problems during copying and pasting files into Synced Folder could lead to some files being skipped from sync
  • Thin Client: Fixed an issue when sync could hang on an unstable network connection 
  • Thin Client: Fixed an issue when sync could hang when Client tried to delete a folder that was already deleted on the server
  • Thick Client Mac: Fixed an issue when Team Share icons in Finder were displaying incorrectly
  • Thick Client Mac: Fixed an issue when going to sleep could cause problems with reconnecting and resuming sync
  • Thick Client Mac: Fixed an issue when the application icon in Launchpad would appear broken on macOS 13 Ventura and macOS 14 Sonoma
  • Server: Fixed an issue when local data was being deleted after removing file server enablement mapping on the server
  • Web: Fixed error messaging for deleting an authentication source
  • Web: Fixed minor UI issues
  • Outlook: Fixed an issue when the add-in couldn't launch properly for some users
  • Outlook: Fixed an issue when the add-in settings window couldn't open for some users
  • Outlook: Minor UI improvements
  • Private Cloud Updater UI now properly shows the current Private Cloud (AnchorServer) version and the new available versions

Known Issues

  • This release fixes the way many sync events are handled in the desktop client, and in some cases this exposes some old/hidden issues with older team shares that had mis-formed sync events. In particular, older (pre-2018) root records for events could be in some cases missing the values in the "new_name" and "new_folder_id" database fields. These are non-critical issues: "new_name" stores the new file/folder name when a file or a folder is renamed, and "new_folder_id" stores the ID of the new location when a file or a folder is moved (empty field means the root folder)

    This issue could become visible when a new Client 3.6.x is registered/subscribed to a root having this database problem. If this happens, the affected Client becomes unable to sync and shows "bad event log" error in the log, while the server log shows "event missing values". There is a root sanitization process to clean up these mis-formed sync events if this is experienced. Our support team can assist with this procedure if needed.
  • Thin Client: In some cases, deletion of a large folder with a significant number of sub-folders could leave behind a small number of sub-folders and files. Repeating the delete operation should remove those remaining items

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