May 2024 - Thick Client 3.6.9 - x360Sync Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at May 28th, 2024


x360Sync Thick Client



Release Date

May 16, 2024


Introduced mass auto-removal of local duplicate files and folders with the same names caused by UTF8 normalization issue. If the user has such duplicates on their machine, they can open Client GUI, go to the warning about a duplicate file, click Resolve -> Delete All Duplicates.

The user will see a confirmation window with a total count of duplicate files and folders to be removed.

After the confirmation, the duplicates will be deleted and the warnings will disappear from GUI. Please note that non-empty folders and non-duplicate files will not be removed. If the user doesn't want to clean up everything automatically, they can still click Open Location and review the file/folder for each individual GUI warning.


  • Fixed an issue when special characters in file and folder names could cause duplicates
  • Fixed an issue when special characters in file names could cause recurring file events 
  • Increased the default timeout for locking a root database to 60 seconds. Now, Client shouldn't have problems locking a large database, where previously this process could fail with "lock timeout" error in the log

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