Apr 2023 - Web 2.78.0 - x360Sync Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


x360Sync Web



Release Date

April 25, 2023


  • Added the possibility for support engineers to restore deleted roots. This operation no longer requires escalating to developers and should take much less time
  • Added the possibility of delayed purge of organization metadata. This will allow for an easier restore of organizations that were deleted only recently if the customer changes their mind
  • Improved breadcrumb navigation for admins browsing through Team Shares 


  • Fixed an issue with group subscriptions when manually disabled machine root subscriptions were re-enabling for users after a new team share was added to the group
  • Fixed an issue when WebDAV was disabling for users after they edited their personal settings 


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