Jan 2022 Release Notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Jan 2022 release notes   2021 Release Notes

x360Recover 10.13.0 - Jan 31 202 [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover 10.13.0 

 Release Date:

    January 31 2022 

Release overview 

x360Recover 10.13.0 is a maintenance release, focused on reducing pain points for partners and the Axcient Support team, as well as eliminating bugs.

Summary of new features

  • Automatic updates will be blocked if any type of recovery operation is in progress
  • Extended telemetry information is sent to Recover Manager for new backup history reporting
  • The size limit on a protected system Alias name is increased to 128 characters
  • Added support for Direct-to-Cloud endpoints into backend support team tools

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed bug allowing agent updates to be applied even when automatic updating is disabled
  • Fixed AuthClientService caching of empty results
  • Fixed intermittent issue with certificates sometimes blocking FTPS connections
  • Fixed issue with open disk usage alerts not being closed in the case where quota limit is removed
  • Fixed AutoVerify VSS failed to start on Windows Server 2003
  • Fixed AutoVerify failed chkdsk on invalid, raw, or 0-byte volumes
  • Fixed AutoVerify failed due to change in chkdsk output on Windows 11 and Server 2022

Automatic blocking of updates

A long-time pain point has been having your devices reboot due to an update - even while in the process of performing a critical live recovery for your clients. 

Previous enhancements blocked such updates in some cases (particularly live-mode virtualization or iSCSI exports), but other cases remained where your recovery operations might be impacted by updates.

With release 10.13.0 and newer, automatic updates will be blocked from occurring whenever any of the following conditions exist:

  • A Live Mode virtualization is in progress
  • A Live Mode iSCSI export is in progress
  • Any export job is in progress
  • Any import (from USB) job is in progress
  • Any migration job is in progress
  • Any recovery job (vault to appliance) is in progress
  • A ZFS resilver (repair) operation is in progress
  • A seed disk export job is in progress
  • A seed disk import job is in progress

Important note:  We recommend that you close out of recovery operations when you are finished with them,  in order to allow future updates to occur.  Best practice is to unmount mounted snapshots, and stop exports, VM’s, and iSCSI targets when you have completed with a recovery.

Auto Update Best Practices

We recommend that Enable Auto Update is enabled on the Settings -> Update Manager page on each of your x360Recover devices. 

We also recommend that you enable Auto-Enable Remote Assist When Upgrading so that remote access will be available to our development team should something go wrong with your upgrade.

  • This will ensure that your x360Recover devices are updated with the latest software enhancements in a timely fashion, and that the Support team will have a short window of time to access and repair any troublesome devices without requiring user intervention.



This maintenance release provides for the blocking of automatic updates when recovery operations are in progress.

Recovery Center v 1.6.0 - Jan 24 2022 [Click to expand...]

Component Recovery Center for x360Recover Direct-to-Cloud (D2C)
Version 1.6.0
Release Date January 24 2022

Release overview

Recovery Center 1.6.0 is a maintenance release

Summary of feature enhancements
  • Added extended unit tests for core virtual disk services
  • Added support for in-memory cache layer (Disabled by default in this release)
  • Disabled Hyper-V recovery option if Hyper-V is not installed
  • Added extended logging of Hyper-V job parameters
Summary of bug fixes
  • Fixed block alignment issue on synthetic recovery volume which was causing chkdsk failures
  • Fixed issue with Expand/Restore icons when first launched

The primary purpose of this maintenance release is to provide bug fixes and UI improvements for Hyper-V.

x360Recover 10.12.0Jan 10 2022 [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover 10.12.0 

 Release Date:

    January 10 2022 

Release overview 

x360Recover 10.12.0 is a feature release.

This release is delivers user experience enhancements and bug fixes to reduce partner pain points.

Summary of new features

  • Backup policy scheduling supports an offset from the top of the hour for backup start time
  • Storage pool defaults to 4K block size to better support native 4K advanced format disks
  • The terminal console of a running VM is available directly from the appliance when logged in via Recover Manager
  • The user’s view selection (the number of items to display) is remembered once it has been set (per user) 
  • LockDown mode (when enabled) additionally disables ssh access from the LAN
  • The Protected Systems page on vaults now has a client filter option (similar to the Jobs page)
  • Global Management Portal is enhanced to better support D2C endpoints 
  • Global Management Portal reporting supports scheduling reports for D2C-only clients
  • Cloud AutoVerify is enabled by default for existing and new D2C endpoints on Axcient vaults
  • Cloud AutoVerify is enhanced to display results of mount checks performed on each backup

Summary of bug fixes

  • MD5 checksum process is no longer performed for USB disk exports (This is to save time.)
  • Fixed bug where Network Recovery jobs were sometimes not showing a stopped state after being cancelled
  • Fixed issue with Distributed Tunnel System (DTS) not retrying lost or broken connections
  • Fixed issue with AutoVerify results being hidden on self-hosted vaults if local cache is enabled

Features of v 10.12.0

Offset backup policies from the top of the hour

Traditionally, all backup jobs begin at the top of the hour (or, when the backup frequency is less than one hour, at the top of the backup window.) Having all backup jobs begin at the top of the hour can cause high load and network contention, especially when many protected systems are configured on a single appliance.   

In addition to causing pain on the local network, replication traffic to the offsite datacenter is also highly skewed towards the top of the hour. This happens because backups generally complete for all systems globally during the same time window.  

In order to level loads for the network and storage servers, cloud replications should ideally be more evenly offset throughout the hour. 

  • Release 10.12.0 adds the option of offsetting the backup start time by 0-59 minutes from the top of the hour, allowing more staggered backup policy schedules.  

Backup policies (for both newly-created backups as well as for existing Advanced mode backups) will be reconfigured with a random offset during the upgrade to this release. 

Important: Partners should take note that the actual start time and completion of backups across all devices will be randomly staggered through the hour, but this will not affect the number of backups taken per day.  Recover Manager health monitoring has been updated to account for the staggered start times of schedules. This will properly maintain SLA-based alerting of stale backups and recoveries.

Enhancements to Cloud AutoVerify

Cloud AutoVerify support released in 10.11.0 is being slowly enabled across partner vaults via Feature Flag controls.  Release 10.12.0 adds further enhancements to the functionality.

  • Direct-to-Cloud endpoints will automatically be enabled for bootVM checks once this feature is enabled on your vault.
  • Cloud AutoVerify tiered testing now reports the status of volume mount checks that are performed with every backup.  

The three testing tiers available now are:

Volume mount check Performed with every backup
Boot check Performed nightly
Full volume integrity check Performed once per week

Additional improvements to the user experience

Terminal access from the VM console - The Terminal button is now present, when connected remotely to an appliance or vault via Recover Manager. This allows virtual machines to access the VM console.  (Previously, it was necessary to return to Recover Manager in order to access the VM console.)

Customize and save user view preferences - This improvement resolves a long-standing feature request: every partner prefers a different number of default items to be shown on tables throughout the UI.  Your last view selection will now be remembered, across all tables, throughout the UI, on a per-user basis.

SSH lockdown – Due to compliance concerns, numerous partners have requested the lockdown of access to local devices via SSH over the LAN (in addition to the UI) when lockdown mode is enabled. With Release 10.12.0,  SSH access from the LAN will be blocked whenever lockdown mode is enabled.  (A future release will give you global control from Recover Manager, with an option to opt-out of blocking SSH.)

Client filter on the Protected Systems page – Previously, we delivered a Client filter for vaults (to enhance browsing Jobs table entries.)   Release 10.12.0 extends the Client filter to the Protected Systems page, as well.

Direct-to-Cloud support in the Global Management Portal– While reporting has been enhanced to show some details of Direct-to-Cloud endpoints, the Global Management Portal has limited overall support for this feature. With 10.12.0 the GMP has been enhanced with the following:

  • Direct-to-Cloud endpoints now report last backup times to the native management tables (and replication shows this same data.)  This allows third-party integrations (like Backup Radar) to collect and report on backups taken for Direct-to-Cloud endpoints
  • The reporting engine has been enhanced to support scheduling client reports for clients who are strictly Direct-to-Cloud only. (These clients have no appliances.)   Previously, such clients were not available in the client selection list when scheduling a report

Auto Update Best Practices

We recommend that Enable Auto Update is enabled on the Settings -> Update Manager page on each of your x360Recover devices. 

We also recommend that you enable Auto-Enable Remote Assist When Upgrading so that remote access will be available to our development team should something go wrong with your upgrade.

  • This will ensure that your x360Recover devices are updated with the latest software enhancements in a timely fashion, and that the Support team will have a short window of time to access and repair any troublesome devices without requiring user intervention.


New features include backup scheduling which does not have to start at the top of the hour, better support for native 4K advanced format disks and a SSH lockdown mode.

RMC v 4.16 - Jan 19 2022 [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover RMC v4.16

 Release Date:

    January 19 2022

Enhancements and bug fixes

x360Recover Replibit and Direct-to-Cloud (D2C) 

  • The Backup History Report is now live. You can view and download the backup history for the past two years. You can also use filtering options to narrow the history list by client, service, device, and a specific time period. Please note that in this release, only the web report is available. (Future releases will include recurring reports and CSV exports.)
  • Extended the grace period for the randomized backup schedule offset during health status determination. This is to prevent false-positive alerts from being generated.
  • Fixed a bug where the notification email was not sent when the password was changed 
  • Fixed a bug in the Device Details where duplicate information was being displayed.
  • Fixed an issue with the Appliance Details page opening for some appliances.
  • Fixed minor issues in the Site-to-site IPSec runbook settings.



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