Oct 2022 release notes

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


October 2022 release notes   2021 Release Notes

x360Recover Manager (RMC) v 4.35 - Oct 26 2022  [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v 4.34.5

 Release Date:

    October 26 2022 

Release overview 

X360Recover Manager 4.35 is maintenance update which contains bug fixes related to UI issues on the Health Dashboard and appliance/vault GUI. Security updates are also included.

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed unexpected scrollbar displayed in the dropdown in the Search filters on the System Details page.
  • Fixed issue when connecting to the appliance or vault GUI, where the window was opened with a fixed vertical height. (When the content within the window is larger than the fixed height, it forces another internal scroll bar on the content of the GUI.)

This maintenance release contains bug fixes and security updates.

x360Recover v 10.21.0 - Oct 18 2022 [Click to expand...]

x360Recover Release Information



 Release Date(s):

     Targeted release starting October 18 2022

Release overview 

x360Recover 10.21.0 is a maintenance release focused on product hardening to eliminate partner-facing bugs. This release also includes preparation for Ubuntu Bionic and the x360Recover agent for Linux. 

Summary of new features

  • Added System OS type field (i.e., Windows/Linux) to protected system model
  • Implemented sending local cache storage statistics to x360Recover Manager backend
  • Implemented collecting appliance/vault operating system disk usage summary to telemetry

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed sending ‘Sent From’ information in backup status alerts
  • Fixed several issues causing failed/hung replication escalations
  • Fixed issue where stopping a vault seed import does not actually halt the import
  • Fixed issues with incorrectly displayed AutoVerify results
  • Fixed FTP password generation to always be compatible with BMR wizard
  • Fixed issue with VT2 that sometimes caused vault recover jobs to fail at the end

This maintenance release focuses on product hardening and includes preparation for Ubuntu Bionic and the x360Recover agent for Linux. 

x360Recover Manager (RMC) v 4.34.1 - Oct 17 2022  [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v 4.34.1

 Release Date:

    October 17 2022 

Release overview

x360Recover Manager 4.34.1 is maintenance update containing bug fixes for the Health Dashboard System Details tab.

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed issue where pagination is displaying a 0 when there is no data to display in the system details tables.
  • Fixed the Clear filters button, which displays even though no filters are applied to any of the system details tables.

Maintenance update delivers bug fixes for the new Health Dashboard System Details tab

x360Recover Manager (RMC) v 4.34.0 - Oct 13 2022  [Click to expand...]


    x360Recover Manager (RMC)  v 4.34.0

 Release Date:

    October 13 2022 

Release overview

X360Recover Manager 4.34.0 introduces the System Details tab for the Health Dashboard.

  • This new tab gives your technicians and engineers a single pane of glass to see all protected systems, appliances, and vaults on one screen This allows them to quickly identify troubled and warned protected systems -  and take action.
  • In addition, the new view on the Health Dashboard reduces the number of clicks needed when navigating these protected systems. 

Click here for complete details on using the Health Dashboard

There are also several bug fixes included with this release.

Summary of enhancements

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed client devices screen which would not allow users to scroll to see all protected systems when using a 4k monitor.
  • Fixed Health Dashboard Overview tab, which was showing data in the 6 month counts widget even when previous months had no data and would display data incorrectly in the wrong month.

Introduces the System Details tab for the Health Dashboard

x360Recover Agent 2.36 - Oct 5 2022 [Click to expand...]

 Agent Version:

    x360Recover 2.36

 Release Date:

    Targeted release starting October 5, 2022 

Release overview 

x360Recover agent 2.36 is a maintenance release. The focus of this release is to reduce backup failures by enhancing agent logging. The improved logging will aid with monitoring and troubleshooting. This release also enhances Smart Recovery to improve system bootability in some edge cases.

Summary of enhancements

  • Improved logging of agent backup status and operations
  • Improved logging and error reporting for errors related to appliance conditions
  • Improved logging and error reporting for errors related to VSS failures
  • Improved logging and error reporting for errors related to disk IO failures
  • Improved logging and error reporting for errors related to resuming a backup
  • Smart Recovery support for MBR System boot partition on a separate disk from Windows / C

Summary of bug fixes

  • Fixed issues where a backup job may hang due to failing VSS writer(s)
  • Fixed edge case issue with encryption of local cache password
  • Fixed case where agent may lose connection to Backup Manager and fail to complete backup

Agent monitoring and Windows event logs

Agent 2.36 introduces improved Windows event logging. This is intended to make troubleshooting more user-friendly, especially for remote monitoring via RMM tools.

Previously, the agent essentially dumped everything being recorded to the agent log file on disk out to the Windows event logs.

Going forward, the improved logging system will split this information:

  • Detailed diagnostic and debug-level logging will continue to be written to the agent log files for forensic analysis
  • Windows event logs will now be tuned to focus on more human-readable content and specific events and notifications.  

This split will allow documentation of all specific event log cases and remediation steps recommended to address failures, where appropriate.   

Agent 2.36 introduces the first wave of changes to agent logging to reach this goal, covering basic agent state and status changes, as well as the most common backup failure cases.

Additional agent 2.36+ Windows logging events documentation can be found here


This maintenance release introduces improved Windows event logging.