Backup for Files - How To: Create Partner API Account

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at March 31st, 2021


Axcient has a web service API that allows programmatic access to the functions of our partner portal. You may use this API to develop your own tools or integrations. Additionally, certain third-party tools, such as RMM tools, offer integration with Axcient and use our web services API. These tools will ask for your Axcient partner portal API credentials.

To use our web services API, you need to create a sub-account of your main partner account and then assign it the "Partner API" role. For proper security, you should use a unique, randomly generated password for this API account. You can then use the username and password of this API account when third-party tools ask for your Axcient API credentials.

The documentation for the web services API is available in the partner center within our partner portal.


To create an account that you can use in conjunction with our web services API:

  1. Go to the account center and choose to create a new account
    • Choose to create a new sub-account for an existing customer
    • Select your own partnership for the customer record
    • Use your primary partner account for the parent account of the new account
    • Choose a username for the API account, such as mypartnership-api
    • Tell it to randomly generate a password for the account, or choose your own password
  2. Disable Notifications
    • Impersonate the account
    • Go to main menu My Account > Notifications
    • Uncheck all the notification options.  This account is used for API access not backup and has no need to generate notifications about itself.
    • Click Stop Impersonating in the upper right.
  3. Set the Account Role to "Partner API"
    • In the Account Center, right click on the newly created account > Password/Security > Set Role > Select "Partner API"

Optional Considerations

Axcient branding has the capability to have multiple brands configured in a parent and sub-brand hierarchy.  The nature of the Partner API account provides access to all customer information for the brand it is configured for along with any sub-brands.  To retrieve sub-brand information only, a Partner API account would need to be created within that sub-brand, not the parent brand.  If information about the parent brand is needing to be pulled in isolation from the sub-brands, then a conversion will be needed to re-align the branding so as to separate out all active and API-accessed customer accounts into sub-brands, leaving the parent branding as more of an organizational feature than an active brand.  For more information or to re-configure a parent and sub-brand hierarchy please contact branding or Support.