Can I hide everywhere?

Written By Tami Sutcliffe (Super Administrator)

Updated at July 27th, 2024


Unless you are a diamond partner, your users will use to access the web portal. By default your users will see this address in their Internet browser. This can be avoided if desired by hosting an HTML frameset on your own web server (usually on a new sub-domain such as Notification emails and the backup manager depend on the ability to link directly to specific parts of the web portal. To support this, a PHP or ASP script is required to generate the frameset. (If you cannot run PHP or ASP scripts on our server please contact us for a solution.)

The steps to create the HTML frameset site are as follows:

  1. Use the information below to create either an index.php or index.asp file (if you are not sure whether you need PHP or ASP, ask your web host). If you do not yet have a brand ID, leave the brand ID at its default value for right now, and the branding engineer will provide you with one when your brand is ready.
  2. Upload the index.php or index.asp to your chosen web site (e.g., or
  3. Inform the branding engineer if the web site location that you chose is different than what you indicated on your branding worksheet.

NOTE: You cannot use DreamWeaver to create the file, because DreamWeaver will interfere with the creation of the frameset. Please use notepad or a tool that does not try to parse the file in order to create the index.php or index.asp file.

PHP Instructions

  1. Copy the text of the PHP Frameset Script below into a new text file and name it index.php
  2. Change any reference to mybrand to your unique brand ID (usually this is two or three letters long)
  3. Upload the frameset script to a new directory on your server (for example: )
  4. Email us with the frameset script location and we will change your brand information.

PHP Frameset Script


//This file will generate the correct blank frameset with an inner frame to point to the Axcient secure server.
//TODO: Change your brand ID below to your 2 or 3 letter brand ID:
$brandID = 'mybrandid';

//TODO: Rename this script (probably to index.php) and upload to your web server.
//For example, upload it to the root of a subdomain... e.g.

//TODO: Customize the text in the HTML below to use your branded name.

//Test it by trying out the following page:
//And you should see the free trial page in your browser, but your address bar should still show:
//in the browser window...

$aRequest = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
$sQuery = $aRequest['query'];
$sFrameSrc = "{$brandID}&{$sQuery}";
<title>Online Backup</title>
<frameset rows="100%,*" name="frOuter" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="<?php echo $sFrameSrc; ?>" name="frInner" noresize border="0" title="onlinebackup">
Please enter the online backup web portal <a href="<?php echo $sFrameSrc; ?>" >here</a>.

ASP Instructions

  1. Copy the text of the ASP Frameset Script below into a new text file and name it index.asp
  2. Change any reference to mybrand to your unique brand ID (usually this is two or three letters long)
  3. Upload the frameset script to a new directory on your server (for example: )
  4. Email us with the frameset script location and we will change your brand information.

ASP Frameset Script

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim sBrandID, sQuery, sFrameSrc

' This file will generate the correct blank frameset with an inner frame to point to the Axcient secure server.
' TODO: Change your brand ID below to your 2 or 3 letter brand ID:
sBrandID = "mybrandid"

' TODO: Customize the text in the HTML below to use your branded name.

' TODO: Rename this script (probably to index.php) and upload to your web server.
' For example, upload it to the root of a subdomain... e.g.

' Test it by trying out the following page:
' And you should see the free trial page in your browser, but your address bar should still show:
' in the browser window...

sQuery = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
sFrameSrc = "" & sBrandID & "&" & sQuery
<title>Online Backup</title>
<frameset rows="100%,*" name="frOuter" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="<%= sFrameSrc %>" name="frInner" noresize border="0" title="onlinebackup">
Please enter the online backup web portal <a href="<%= sFrameSrc %>" >here</a>.